

The GCPD has the be the least secure cop shop in all of genre-dom. Jesus, even in the comics it was very uncommon for villains to just waltz in and do whatever they want.

You're a man, er Muppet, of simple tastes.

I'm legit expecting this. Nothing surprises me on this show now.

I'm in.

I'm starting to see what some have said in the past; Gotham is so much more entertaining once you embrace the goofiness and stop expecting it to make sense. Barbara is still awful—AWFUL—but far enough away from anything important she can be ignored. Cobblepot and Nygma, in contrast, have shockingly mature character

They sorta explained it because his dad committed suicide, so she's over involved, worried Nick is showing "signs" of instability. But yeah, it's really too much.
Wasn't she a teacher? Didn't she know there's support groups to keep this neurotic shit from getting out of control?

I understand you're upset I'm not the sockpuppet you accused me of being at your lame MRA website, and you have yet to figure out how to ban users, but try to keep it down. Adults are snarking here.

Okay, I finished it last night. It ended up o-kay. I was kinda hoping they dropped the flashbacks, but what can you do…

Oh, you again. Hope you're having a lovely evening, but I don't have time for this smeg. l8r

I'm having PTSD flashbacks to Season 3. I don't know if I can last that long…

Oh, you poor fool. Me not mad. You're talking to a woman who grew up running with boys and could keep up. I'm about to go to the gym(a real lifting gym, not a "hook-up" gym), where again, I can keep up, not just be "good for a girl". I know macho culture inside and out, and the difference between a hey bud joke

Oh please. Self-respect and dignity are universal traits. I really doubt that Lucifer put that kinda deep thought into it. The concept was solid. Lucifer should have focused on the suckiness of the clothes and not made it a big gender dealeo about it.

Nice finish.

I'm terrible at basketball too. I'm more a football(soccer)/baseball gal.

So this Ep doesn't get better? I paused at the 12 minute mark and went back to Luke Cage(ep9). Oliver's juggling being mayor and Green Arrow, and instead of having the team pick up the slack or recruit help, he's shooting volunteers? That was so dumb. It also hits close to home; I know exactly how long injuries

Mocking the clothes wasn't a problem. I mean what are those clog things, anyway? I can't stand them. It was how he started HARD framing it as a manhood thing. Like MRA hard. The only thing about that being in character is Lucy is tactless as fuck. So I guess there we are. =^-^=

I really want to believe he didn't torch his real wings. Come on, those things are part of an angelic body. They should be more than a little fireproof, yeh? Technically not even the Sun should be able to burn them: since 'Sameal' was one of the architects of creation. Unfortunately, I fear the show runners are

Could be. Would make sense if she's at/near Yahweh's power level.

Not just give lip service, yeah? I'm in.