
This is a legit theory of mine every time in an otherwise excellent WeHuntedTheMammoth article, the comments thread would degenerate into recriminations of "ableism" for over 10 pages. This has been less the case since the author clarified the comments policy, but the same people just look for something else to "go

Or Agincourt. :D

Possibly because he was healed by a demon he had sex with and might be falling in love with?
Sorry, I got nothing. =^-^=

It works better on iZombie because the lead lives a reclusive life. Here the lead is a 10 billion year old being with superpowers who owns a frigging nightclub. Making the procedural format strained to say the least.

Drat. Now I have to read the reveiw.

Completely agree with the losing powers being dumb thing. The irony? Gaiman is on record saying how baffled he was that other writers thought extra powered character stories were always boring. His position was they don't have to be. Pity the writers didn't get the memo.

The procedurals have been the most tedious part of the show since its inception. They could work if they were half the show, with equal time given to worldbuilding and whatever Heavenly plots that are afoot. As it is Lucifer's issues and the celestial plot is almost an afterthought. It's as if the showrunners were

Maze close enough visually to her comic origins I think they are all in their real bodies. Remember, they all have celestial superpowers(super strength, wings, half rotting faces). Momma Morningistar doesn't and I expect that's because she not using her "real" body.

Lovin' Momma Morningstar. Not so much Lucy mocking the househusband. That seemed way over the top for Lucy; 1 or 2 lines was all it warrented. And isn't the "devil" all about rebelling against expectations?
Oh and showrunners? UK size 6 is US MENS size 7, women's size 8. I wear size 6 Doc Martens and I would never

It's like the "bird in the hand" thing applied to fighting. If I have a knife in hand and a grip on my opponent, better I slit his throat now, than let go to reach for a gun nearby.

Because the Plot Demands It. Any time our hero's have a safe place, the concern is someone will invade. The question almost never asked is "why"? It would have been such a breath of fresh air if the gangsters response instead had been:
"Yes, we know where you are. If you ever rip us off you will pay. What? Take

It would have played much better if someone had a megaphone to tell the obvious refugees to stop and wait for further instructions. It's a no brainer any refugees will have whatever weapons they can get, and they're not all going to be obvious. Even if they're running a labor camp, much better and much less risky to

It is not enough that somewhere in a writers room or a producers meeting
they think they might have some answers to these questions they could
give us that would have us say, "Oh ok makes sense." If those answers
are not on the screen then they just have a hot mess of illogical

And empty plastic bottles…

Yes, it had a month and a year. Makes sense;anyone outside of surviving government facilities has a fuzzy idea of the actual date any more.

It's justified with both those characters: Daniel was a survivor of some evil shit in South America, and Strand was always an unsentimental opportunist. It wasn't so much they were amoral, as they could see what needed to be done now if they were to survive.

>They speak as if they watched the original "walking Dead"

Even the zombies want to leave the show.

It was very random. I'm still waiting for an explanation via
flashback, but must come to terms there won't be one. Like you say, it may not make sense, but at least we don't hate her.

As for the Douche Bros surviving, they did rip though an abandoned camp ground. Maybe they did land on air mattresses Wily E Coyote style. :D