
For Chris this was the perfect death. Honestly, even if they weren't all assholes, his chances were not good: he had a compound fracture that needed urgent medical attention to save the leg. Failing that, gangrene would have taken him; it isn't impossible, but very unlikely they could have set it in a way he'd

Episode 14 was shocking good, imo. You know, for FTWD. Everyone did things that made sense, were true to their characters. And the killing of those assholes was oh so satisfying and emotionally real. I'm just confused how the hotel guy got injured that bad. And why the "rules" should apply to a couple of racist

I've not so silently defended Dickens acting, but that scene I saw what many people were saying.Something was missing in the "OMG Travis can't see the crazies and know Chris is dead, what do we do?" scene. It lacked urgency, I didn't believe she was urgently worried and need advice NOW.

And you know, in his final moments, trying to crawl for his life, he knew Dad was right. He reminds me off every rabid Ayn Rand worshipping, Social Dawrinist "objectivist" who sneers at the "weak": not one of them ever believes they can be in a weak position until it happens. Then most of them whine for mercy. At

And the viewers rejoiced!

Well, in two weeks(?) we'll see if they learned anything or if we get the same ol shit. My hopes are low…. ;)

What really made it bad was Glenn and the Magic Dumpster earlier. This probably isn't as maddening if you're binge watching. But imagine the weeks waiting and waiting for the reveal and it being so lame.
So that compounds the badness if the showrunners stick to cannon and follow through with offing Glenn.

Its been a few more months and I still have viewer PTSD. I'll be watching, but to save myself anguish, I'll be spoiling myself with reviews/comments for the first couple of episodes before watching them. Re:Glenn—if you really want to know, you can Google and find some of the best guesses that seem to have

There can only be ONE.

For all it's disappointments, Season 6 had some good episodes, including what I think might be the best ever(forget the name, it's when everyone pulls together to clean up the wolves and walkers).

Yeh, I'm getting that already from the first ep. I dunno what it is because Buffy appealed to teens and stands the test of time. (Just rewatched entire series for 3rd? time)

From the way these people (over)react I suspect this had been explained to someone, but it was dismissed as "Manplaining From the Patriarchy tm". And I say this as an Anti Gamergater feminist gamer. It's really annoying to see people all but LARPING Straw Feminism IRL without irony.

We Browncoats can be myopic that way.

It had some good moments and it was nice to see a familiar face from Dark Angel, but yeah, the potential it had never crystallized. Now I'm trying out a couple eps of Shadow Hunters to see if it's worth watching the first season as a cheap popcorn entertainment.

And the best time to have killed him off was in a heroic sacrifice a couple seasons back. It's like the writers know the character is popular but don't know why: He's the Chessmaster. He doesn't have to be evil to be a chessmaster. He can be an interesting antagonist just for his own selfish, non evil reasons.

I've never been a massive Luke Cage fan, but when he showed up, (usually in a crossover of what I was reading) he was "alright". I definitely had a better opinion of him than Tony Stark who always came off as a jerk on paper. Ironically of the film adapted character Ironman is one of my favourites. If they can make

Frankly I never got the Agents of Sheild hate. Sure it was uneven at first, but I can think of so many worse examples(The Tomorrow People, anyone?). But yeah, hopefully we're past that stage.

Red Zinger is the worst.

So what IOW started out as too. *sigh* How does this happen?

From what I've read the store started out pretty reasonably-look up their wiki page-, but in the last couple of years was handed over to the inexperienced and/or incompetent. Ergo the current clusterfuck.