
This. Also, Quinlan is awesome.

Yeh, no one thinks any of the people at the gate might be doctors, engineers, electricians, plumbers, you know, with skills they might need to keep the hotel up. =^-^=

Frankly I think she's doing a believable job of how a person's emotional range surviving in a ZA. The problem isn't Dicken's acting. It's the script.

I'm not bothered by Kim Dickens expressions, except maybe in private scenes. Most of us would get pretty stoic in public under similar circumstances, Half of that would be shock and trama, the other half would be survival game face.

As a fellow 'completionist', props to your iron will. Alas, I still watch to "see how it ends".

Thx. I forgot to emphasize how little of it you need for it to work. You know, used to be you needed to be covered in the stuff, now just a dab works.
Ah well. There's next week. =^-^=

Yes, I meant execs, lol. But hey, I'm sure there are some exes out there that could give them a run for their money.

This sounds like money and work. You know exes inconsistently watch that bottom line. If it's zombie special effects, the sky's the limit. Character consistency? We're lucky the exes know where El Salvador is.

Frankly I'm just surprised and pleased the showrunners are actually making people in Mexico speak in Spanish with subs, instead of some bs explanation for everyone to speak in English with heavy accents, which used to be done a lot.

I think some moves are practiced before you go into the water? If you're completely a novice?

Eh, I wouldn't go that far. Madison is more competent than Lori ever was. But it makes the moments when she stupid more maddening because it's obviously contrived for drama.
Lori is actually a believable character, just not the type of character who would actually survive in a ZA.

The Sadistic Choice Trope trope: sudden, contrived badass competency, vs sudden contrived stupidity? Choice, choices….

Oh no, I missed that. He wasn't old. Loved Lorne.

That's why I enjoy the Strain. They don't take themselves as seriously and seem to be having fun while they're doing it.

No timeline, but I'll echo your 2-3 month guess. Now that you lay out the events, I'm even more baffled Alejandro has gone the looney faith savior route, instead of the "I'm a trained pharmacist omg I must be immune we need a vaccine" route.

It's our time and our opinion. Our time is valuable. If the writers/showrunners keep pulling manipulative crap ike Glenn and The Magic dumpster, we're free to call them out, just like you're free to be okay with it.

Yeah, I was mostly being snarky. Ice is mostly a luxury, but useful to people who don't have refrigeration. Not so sure about transporting it though.

Ah, you're right. They did that very Shakespearian and off screen, so I forgot that was a thing.

Well, in the last 10-15mins the community grade went from D to D+.

So this.
Much this. =^-^=