
I hate Negan, but he'll be good for entertainment.

Because I'm not strong enough to actually rage quite over that(heh), I plan instead to save eps and start watching after 2 -3 weeks, and let myself be spoilered by comments. I refuse to be on the edge of my seat about it when I start watching again. After Glen and the Magic Dumpster, fuck that.

It's usually better…except for that bullshit cliffhanger last season. Urgh.

Well, an oft forgotten fact from the comic(they've even forgotten it in the comic I think) is the dead are less active in the cold. So, one could make a case for weaponized ice…?

You have not.

Yeah, Nick does seem smarter than that….
This was so disappointing. Madison really had it together for eh first bit, and I would have forgiven her for her Sode at the warehouse, but flashing the countryside on te off chance Nick might see it and then might deduce it's them? Are you out of your motherloving mind,

Yes, let's announce to the world as far as can be seen someone still has power and lights.

Hmm. I'm not sure I buy that. You have a source? By that standard Gotham would have been dropped cold mid second season and they'd still be reviewing the Strain and Supernatural.

You omitted the random stabbing by distraught grieving mother who has somehow forgotten whom she was blaming for her kid's death until all these new people showed up. Then it's their fault. For reasons.

Yes, hope springs eternal, doesn't it?

Now a word from our sponsers!

I assume you mean your newsletter. What's it about?

"It still comes across as real."

Oh drat you people to Hades. I've never seen this doc and now must spend time trying to find it "in the usual places". So much for sleep tonight!

This is depressingly accurate.

Yeh, don't go there.

Thanks Hermione.

Stop. Seriously? I have heard some people think we've made manned missions to Mars, you know, based on movies n stuff, but Harry? *shakes head*

This is so hilarious. At the time I wasn't aware some people went all "War of the Worlds". Could be because most of my friends then were Neo-Pagans. It never occurred to us it might be 'real'.

I forgot the lack of TV coverage! That was just dumb. Honestly, everything you said. It would almost write itself: predictable notes, but dramatic and informative. I still suspect meddling.