
Oh I learned my lesson not stretching. Sometimes I'm rushed for time and I cut it, but try to make it up later. Ironically it's during runs that lack of stretching catches up, knee hitches, or a strange ankle pain that takes a mile to run out.

Yeh, and ADD too. He all but pounces on the table seconds after the other guy left!

Yeh, I could see with the schedule the actor might have felt tight and weird? When I trained almost every day, I always felt pumped. Then I wondered why my gains slowed to a crawl. Durr, too much training! Muscles need time to recover—hurr!

And even a bodybuilder only looks like a "bodybuilder" from a lean diet in the weeks up to competition.

Well, I can't speak for the actor, but "muscle bound" as I understand it is a misnomer. But it's almost useless to argue about it with people who have no personal athletic experience. Yes, you do notice increased muscle mass, but I've yet to meet someone who really felt their mass was getting in the way. It is very

Was there ever any doubt? Wolfram&Hart hold the contracts for all dimensional/demonic/alien deals on this plane. Ward had better watch out!

This is pretty endemic to Hollywood across the board, treating computers like magic and having no consultant on hand who even knows basic programming.

Nonetheless a good call. It sold it to the IT guy.

Upvoted for "pedantic nerd alert".

They were being perfectly rational considering what they knew. It's just annoying from our point of view because "Oliver is protecting them and trying to save the city!!".

That was a weak explanation too. As in unrealistic. This is a realistic one: "That guy was hitting on me and wouldn't go away…and I went over board."

I'm not sure if it's a realistic decision, but as a viewer I like it for the reasons you state.

It doesn't help the actress does not have the athleticism of the first Canary. This could be because she's taller, and it a weird thing, but taller successful women are often resistant to building body strength as opposed to petite women. I can't blame her: there are very little roles in Hollywood for women who are

I agree about the firearms. another thing about the fights: why doesn't the team swarm the bad guys while Canary is still screaming? I assume they have ear protection. That fight would be over so quick…which is what you want.

Yeh, but it keeps getting deeper, to the point that it's impossible to lower the bar without Olivier actually doing something unforgivable. Season 1 flashbacks made sense, I'll even give Season 2 flashbacks some credit, though I still think it's lazy writing. Let's be real: this is a narrative rut the writers think

So THAT's what was wrong with Season 3: the REAL story was the flashback. No wonder we were all confused. =^-^=

The flashbacks basically stopped working then they had done their primary job: explaining what happened to Oliver on the Island. Even in season 2 I was surprised we were still getting them. Season 3 was really reaching. Now? Seriously writers?

I'm very curious about this shoulder movement problem. Do you remember where you heard it?

Not sluggish so much, but a couple times the stunt person "helping" their own beat down with moves that shouldn't work at all. Not in the elevator, in the open scenes with Thea and Laurel.
Not as bad as other episodes. This was over all very good. My eye just gravitates to that sort of thing.

I see your point. Keeping them out of the loop means they get stuck with dialogue that makes them sound whiny even when they're not.