
I'd like to see one step up from that, where the fight, while realistic, looks choppy and hard to follow in places—because when you're actually in one you don't track every single thing. Your body reacts and some things are a blur. And there are things you never remember.

Be nice. I was trying to figure out who Drusilla might be in your riff—then I realized Dru wasn’t needed—only that Darkh wants to save the world to exploit it like Spike.

I've always been in the habit of crouching froglike in front of the bar, then rolling it back and forth until I feel it's in the right place. Then I lock myself into the proper 'lever' position, with my back as straight as possible. That's usually exactly where I should be. If I feel myself tipping forward, these

I've managed to avoid serious ligament tears. And it's it amazing you can still lift heavy with foot injuries as long as you can stand properly on your heels?

I have, but I'm a working artist with a very flexible schedule. Your time is about right. It's more the mental energy, planning, etc. that makes it unlikely either Joe or Patty are going to pause in their cases to whip up a batch. Don't these people have a natural foods grocery story with a soup bar in town?

Somehow I missed that. Maybe I'm not as 100% as I thought!

Yeh, I didn't flag that, but you're right. If they have the tech for cellphones, they have the tech for monitoring inmates.

What i want to know is how these hard working cops have time to make homemade chicken soup.

I'll give it to then because of POWERS, though it should have been something like a week, especially after "OMG my legs don't work!"

It would have been nice to re-conceive some of that over aggressive Gorilla stuff or at least explain it away as GRODDs anger over being experimented on. It's become a peeve of mine, humans projecting their aggressive bs on gorillas who are much more mellow than both humans and chimps. Gorilla's are like the Saint


That's the spirit! To the barricades! Viva la revolucion!

I think it was supposed to look pink, b/c of the Flamigo thing. But on my screen it looked white most of the time. Either way. A pink skunk stripe is pretty frightening too.

Maybe they were frighten by the white skunk stripe on his head. I would be…

Sulking in the Batcave because Alfred won't let him ruin his life.

For the same reason Bruce is?

"If you're planning on killing me, would you get on with it? At this point it would come as a welcome relief…"

Knock knock.

You kids and your fancy smancy radios. in our day we have to use Morse Code and Pony Express.

Explains why they have no K9 unit, helicopter, and swat team.
Now explain why emergency services took what appears to be 30 mins to arrive. I know Gotham services are underfunded and corrupt, but come on guys.