
I actually like Tommy as a character. I just don't care for that plot turn. Why didn't they just give Tommy Hiro-like powers to begin with? Not exactly, but tweaked enough to be both unique and specific to avert the impending doom.

>Also nothing so far has made this series worth rewatching, so I'll just wait and see where they go with it.

Well thank god for that. It's just you never know these days…

This is sorta how I feel about them dropping Supernatural. It's cheesy, but it's fun cheese and makes more sense than this.

For reasons. A common plot device on TV these days: see Gotham.

Or grabbing Molly to go forward in time. Someone suggested that the person has to be actively using their powers for him to take it. I'm still trying to falsify this, so far I can't remember him touching anyone actively using powers. If this is correct it was very stupid to erase his memories and thus making it more

I'm still holding out hope the power Tommy has can be returned. Daft, I know, but with all the other daft things going on, who would notice?

She's a hands on kinda gal who came up from nothing with her bare hands and bootstraps. And grit. Lots and lost of grit. You can see it when she tries to smile.

They've already established in the most damaged of buildings deep deep down, there are secret offices complete with electricity and running water that the municipal utilities haven’t noticed. Don't see why Mohinder's plot armour couldn't last long enough for him to get to a tunnel or something.

I remember reading that and I was like, Huh, wha—why?
I thought in the original series it was meant to be Mohinder, but years after the events? Was I imagining that? Misremembering?

Two terrible story telling devices rolled up in one.

"tactile methodology" sound like a great tool for say, designing a RPG adventure. Not so much for world building your campaign, fleshing out social/economic details, prominent political figures, or making realistic characters with realistic motives.

I didn't understand why he bothered.
The first priority is remove/redirect the bullet.
The second is remove her gun so she can't shoot it again.
And do all this fast in his stopped time stream, without sight seeing, because he himself has no idea how long or how much control he has. FFS MOVE kid!

I suspect the in world reason the new timeline is so similar is they're trying to not kill too many "butterflies". Real world reason is all the actors who signed a contract have to have something to do.
This should have been hammered out in concept before hand. Or maybe it was and agents representing people like the

Bad Bear. No hiker snack for you!

I always liked Rebel, but YMMV, obviously.

Yeh, I was okay with Matt in the first timeline, helping out and turning a blind eye a la "Ah fuck it, its better than being hunted". But this active, exploitive collusion seems way out of character.

Clear as mud, but very poetical!

I'm assuming she's immortal. Put herself in statis until a certain time/event wakes her up. She's not really human, she's a digital construct. Though they haven't really addressed the metaphysics of her being.

Okay. Fair enough!

*dials 911*
-911 emergency services. What is the nature of your emergency?
- There's a loon on disqus….come quickly!