
I find this criticism of criticism most annoying re film adaptations particularly vexing and irrational when it comes from fandom. Agree, disagree, whatever, but if a studio is asking for my money and 2+hours of my life, I am entitled to criticize them, positively or negatively.

See my comment somewhere around here.
(I wish disqus had complete comments when you click "view in discussion")

Well, I guess we can just agree to disagree!

No, that could be a thing.

Yeh, not taking yourself too seriously helps.

Okay. Things get a little hard to follow visually with the FX, but that would work.

*scans internet*

You've got a point.

i know what you mean. I have no reason to suspect him of anything, but after everything Team Arrow has been through…I'm watching him.
*beady eyes*

Be a nice change tho.

I got a voodoo vibe from that map. Like fire it up and he could project his magic anywhere in the city or wherever it is.

It was over due. Unless your name is "Batman" or "Angel" the brooding gets tiresomely one note fast.

But don't you think we should at least try? Some risks are worth it!

Is this the human value you call sarcasm? /Kryten Mode

I didn't dislike it, but her bouncing jugs were a bit distracting. I don't remember them doing that before.

Mama Smoak is the best. The last scene was intriguing….if Mama Smoak and Lance make an alliance, look out.


IKR? I look at his promo pics as an actor, compare them to promo's as Cobblepot and wow. One guy is hot and dishy(I go for the Depp/Bloom type) and the other is compelling as a character but creepy and not at all attractive. Showing Taylor can actually act, even in a still photo.

Gotta get an early start on that brooding. It's not a talent, it's a skill.