
Sounds delicious.


Yeh, the "strays" often have the stuff I really think was good or even vital. I try to give reviewers a little slack: they have to watch the episode, write about it, edit and do it fast because it has to be up in an hour or less.
As writer who is a terrible speed editor and a horrid speller(thank god for browser

It's all relative. I binge read Ultimate Spiderman which really embraced the reveal, which probably has twisted my perceptions, lol. But I do remember back in the day when he first came out to MJ and I thought, "about fucking time".
After "One more day" I've given up on the comic medium. No idea what they're doing

I'm just not sure they were at a high enough altitude it would work considering the massive momentum their superpowers gave them for the launch.
Now that's my brain picking it over afterwards. While I was watching, as a story device it worked very well. Damn brain.

Yeh, that would work.

It's been around long enough I'd suspect the people know what the risks are and have taken specific precautions. You know,how the Alexandrians should be written, but aren't.

Eh, the trolls I've seen here are small potatoes. Kiddie stuff, like passive aggressive baiting. But yeh, anyone who's cut their teeth at 4chan back in the day, will give as good as they get.

Sorta. Occasionally. Okay, much, much more than I used to. There is lots of ranting.

I was wondering if it was genre shows, or just the general culture/tone of AVClub across the board. Guess you've answered my question. I would have expected AVC to be a troll magnet. Maybe at one time it was. I lurked for over a year before signing up on Disqus.

The terminal velocity exploit was a nice touch.
Though , iirc, actually, you can fall faster if you have momentum before freefall, or pull in you limbs, and really, they'd have to have fallen from an airplane to have enough time to slow down so Barry had an advantage.
But, still, it was a good idea

Who are you and what have you done with AVClub?

The character interaction/plot resolution was definitely well done. It's just that one argument that rubbed me wrong.

Well that's the point, she -after understanding her job was to be diplomatic- started the argument. Of course Price has annoying and offensive views. I thought Daisy already knew that. It looked like baiting on Daisy's part. Gosh, that'll help Coulson. /sarc

Same. Solid B.

Like a bounty hunter to round up any bad slaves wandering off the Kree plantation.

That's what I was thinking. They were living under the radar ffs. They weren't even doing the "fighting crime" in masks at night thing, which could be rationalized as a "threat".

This is why you should just skip to the comments first.

*downer post ahead*
But people do move on even when they have real feelings for each other. Maybe even knowing SImmons really loves him, Fitz will struggle with the fact of Will's existence and push her away. This can be done well, or really badly. I'm not invested overly in either out come as long as it's done well.

Agree completely. You have Fitz all *pfft* being surprised by rival selfie. Then he hears Simmons and can't turn away. He has to accept, wherever he and SImmons are at, her feelings for him are real. Sometimes it's just complicated and it sucks.