
God, Daisy annoyed me. Which part of make nice to make this go smoother did she not understand?

Yeh, I'm editing…keep your hat on. ;)

I'm inclined to think Rosalind doesn't know he's working with SHIELD. She called him sure. Doesn't mean she knows he's meeting with Agent Wooden Face.

Fair points. But the real life versions didn't just wear domino masks, they had proper masks or scarves over their faces, and depended on deep shadow, which actually works when you don't have electric or even gas, street lights. Batman is the most plausible in this way, but then he has a nearly full mask.

People knowing won't put them in any more danger than they already are unless they blab about it.
Like Xander Harris said, "As opposed to the other kind(of danger) we're always in?

Pretty much for every superhero story ever. Keeping secret identities got old quickly once heroes were written with close friends and family, like Spiderman, as opposed to high functioning anti social obsessives like Batman.

I don't mind the hair for him as a character, but yeh, it doesn't really flatter the actor. Short wouldn't be great either; he's got a round face. Maybe if he pulled it back in a pony tail?


It's like mutual delusions cancelling each other out.

Oh, how so true…

Not gonna hit you…
*scratch, scratch, claw, hiss*

A lot of the convention was established in the comic medium at a time the art was simple and uncomplicated, and there was no financial incentive to make to make the secret identity work plausibly. Once stories started to be televised the weakness of established in story explanations became much more glaring,

I want them to adopt GRODD as their mascot. Poor guy, he's just misunderstood.

I thought it built up well, the expected payoff, the disappointment, then POW. I know more had to be coming because the progress bar on my player wasn't far enough along. Downloading episodes kinda takes the mystery out that way.

Maybe Barry can snag Batman from Earth 2 and drop him off in Gotham to really liven things up.

But she always gets better.

I forgot about Walter. Where the smeg is he, anyway? He should come back to town for the election.

I didn't find Barry being paralysed a shock. His back was at least cracked during that fight, then he was dragged all over town. Sure, it's freaky, and it'll take longer to heal than normal, but he will heal. It'll be annoying if they drag it out next episode as if "Oh Noes he's parylized for life!".
It will be

Yeh, he's not being "chill" so much as his mind is racing through options and the best way to execute them. If you know what you're going to do in an emergency, you're pretty terse about it unless it involved verbal deflection.

I wouldn't say so. At the most one can look forward to outstanding scenes from the usual suspects: Cobblepot, Harvey, Bruce, Alfred, Selena. Any improvement of the plot is slight at best.