
You don't want to know.

I erased the episode so I can't check, but for those of us who felt the herd coming so fast, we took away the impression Rick had been surrounded. It would have worked better for me showing Rick bailing in panic. Him running down a road with walkers would have been as good a cliffhanger.

Actually a nice opening sequence, then I realized it was going to be a Barbara centric episode and I felt physically ill.

The bad news: you're still dreaming.

Pretty much the reason I go straight to the comments then read the review later….maybe.

You're still dreaming. What are these 'good' episodes of which you speak?

That's definitely a factor as well.

By this time they should have acquired a patchwork of gear from their travels. No need for a special trip. I suspect it's not the "aesthetic" the show runners want.

Do not blame you at all. Agree about the rest: Robin Lord Taylor's Cobblepot is inspired. I'd add Selena to the list. But generally, you're not missing a thing, sadly. Even the AV Club Gotham thread is turning into a ghosttown. It's sad when fans don't even show up to bitch about the show.

Welp, too late now. Deleted the episode. Guess I'll take your word for it.

No different from war with the living. It might get boring after a while…

We disagree he had a "plenty clear path". I recall Rock sitting in the cab watching a herd surround him. I could be wrong. I definitely do NOT remember seeing Rick, jump up from his seat and rushing to the door with alacrity. That would have worked for me: he thinks he can outrun them, then he does.
I'd have to

To my ear she briefly took an Aussie turn, before coming back to sorta Southern US.

As a current reader of the comic, if the Governor bothers you, be glad you never met Negan. He's a fan villain favourite, but I'm in the minority that think he was over done and overstayed his welcome.

Too much logic. My head hurt. I go back to mindlessly watching show.

Maybe that's why some of us don't remember…brain damage.

You're no fun. Don't you want to know how it ends?

Up voted for Kung Fu mention. God, I loved that show. I'm not even a "pacifist". It's just pacifism has a heavy over lap with pragmatic, common sense: "Don't start a fight, but if someone else does, finish it".

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic. IIRC, last we say he was in an RV, surrounded by a herd walkers. How did he get out? And clearly he felt the town was far enough away(a couple of miles?) that trying to use the RV instead of jogging double time made sense. I guess if I was in Rick's shoes, given the

You should definitely go if you get a chance. But for practical fighting skills and weapons from earlier periods, try to hunt down your local SCA chapter: