
Fucking writers, fucking around with fandom!! Well, take this TWD show runners: I don't care about Glenn any more!
*totally cares about Glenn and hates herself for it*

In fairness, in season one there was still a possibility of them pulling it together. I remember the first season of Grimm not exactly being bad, but they were clearly feeling their way adn wandering a bit. But in Gotham things went off the rails after Barbara went psycho. It's like they were trying to be edgy and

Like anything, you need practice with a spear. Spears, lances and pikes won wars from antiquity through the Middle Ages against infantry and cavalry. If they can take down horses, zombies shouldn't be a problem.

Seriously, why don't they have more "armour"? Is it that climate? Too muggy and hot?


I'm one of those aliens who doesn't actually get wired by coffee. I drink it for flavour, especially those posh espresso ice mixy things. If I need to be wired, only tea will do the trick.
See? Alien.

You said that last week. Its this going to be a thing? And can I help?

Right now that emotion is primarily annoyance. Not sure if that's what the PR department intended….

Maybe she was writing notes she remembered him talking about but never got a chance to put down?
For a moment I thought she was going to do this one last thing—to give people hope—before slitting her wrists.

Yeh, we've seen the walking fireball effect. Unless you want to burn everything in the area to the ground, fire should be a last resort, or only used in a pit trap.

I assumed it was a deep puncture/slash wound, and they are tricky. Any relatively shallow flesh wound should clean up fine with water/salt/alcohol. Yep, sounds painful, but better than gangrene.
But I agree, even if she was doing the right thing, his response wouldn't have been instantaneous. It would have helped


Yeh, Rick outrunning a zombie horde was hard to swallow. It was like watching a dream—So, he just hopped from the RV and sprinted a mile or whatever? Mkay.

Whatever happens contrived seems to be the order of they day.

Says a person who has not been watching Gotham. You don't know bad until the second season of not-Batman.

Perhaps we are watching a different show. I don't recall any scenes of Patty from her personal life that do not involve Team Barry. Without that, one really can't judge her as being drawn as perpetually perky and happy all the time as a person.

If you need to ask, you already know the answer. ;)

If for no other reason the Zombie Walmart can't be depended on to have your exact size these days.

*casts ancient Sumerian spell to drive out evils spirits*

Some characters refuse to go quietly. Up voted for mentioning Spike.
Always wanted a Spike spinoff. Now Marsters, while he looks fantastic, has aged too much for the role. =^-^=