
Totally understand and respect your choice. But, if you can get past the viewer PTSD, I would definitely give this season a shot. I was truly surprised how much it improved. Hell, with the previously bits at the beginning of the episodes, you should be able to follow what's going on okay.

Barry is the main character, so we see more of his life. Yes, to an outside observer most of the time he appears upbeat and perky. Remember all his interactions with the police chief? Barry's default is nice guy deflection, with plenty of perky.

You, my friend, need a kat. Here's a kat: kat.cr
You will also need a client. Once you go visit your kat, you'll see what I mean and Google accordingly.
Hmmm…guess this is my cue to archive what I can. Didn't think they'd never release a DVD.

If not CW, then anyone else. We're not attached to the 'Constantine' title. It could be called 'Hellblazer' and anyone could decide to take it on. In fact I think it's time to go with 'Hellblazer" and make the concept live up (or down) to it's source material.

Twitter slays another celebrity ego.

Nit pick: he'd actually say, "Anyone got a fag?" But understandable this was not used for American TV.

Hell, they should have Johnny pop in all the DC shows for St. Hallows. He doesn't even need to do anything. A cameo at the pub/cafe/whatever would be fine. The writer's swear he pops up everywhere in real life:

Constantine needs Batman's help. He casts his spell, and steps into the world of Gotham.
"The fuck?" he exclaims as stupidly rages around him. "Must have made a wrong turn, my son!"
Johnny exits quickly back through portal.

What was depressing, and not unique to Constantine, is it got cancelled as it was pulling itself together.

You're probably right, but I hold out hope, with enough great guest spots, and a little black magic…perhaps a some phoenix tears and the blood of a goat…just maybe the Constantine can be raised from the dead.

Constantine made me look forward to the flashbacks instead of dreading them. Sadly, they wrote him off the Island.

I'm sorry. Don't hit me.

Be nice if they broke the trope and had him break down and beg for help.

Maybe they've overestimated the number of people in the viewership who have never read the comic. I would bet money every single one of those people know someone who did read the comic, so yeah, that's pretty silly.

I think you mean devolve.

Okay. But the same could be said about Barry. They're both in the first stages of smitten/crush. The first spat doesn't usually happen until after dating regular;y, unless one of them does something so offensive they lose interest. If they'd been married for years, you would have a point. But they've known each

Ugh, I knew that. I blame the Felicity reference…my brain glitched to nearest geek, lol.

There's been some research on this, I think. Chances are if you meet someone who you dislike immediately, they remind you of someone else you don't like for whatever reason.

This. I didn't hate him. I wanted to like him more, but I got the trying too hard thing too. Much better this year.

And Wells Mark II's response was perfect.