
One of the things they can try is to loose wearing heels every fucking day since her job doesn't require it.
I know they were going for the librarian nerd thing, with a bit of smart girls can be stylish too, and that fine. But real fact? No tech nerd/scientist I know wears heels all day in the bloody lab.
No. One.

In what way? Not trying to start a flame war, just curious. I find her geeky and plausible. FWIW, I possess two X chromosomes.

I flashed back to the Doctor calling Mickey "Rickey".

Burn the heretic!

I think the reviewer is missing that plot momentum energy in calculating the grade. There are crappily plotted movies that get viewers because of great character interactions and plot momentum, even with glaring holes or outright stupidity. This episode was tightly plotted AND enjoyable AND had momentum.

Agree it was outstanding. Reviewer gave it B+? Hmmm, interested in what it would take for an A….guess I should read the review now. =^-^=

If you have powers the caffeine jolt is a bitch.
J/k, but remember Barry did cut down the coffee after getting powers. Surprised he's not getting decaf. Maybe he's used to it now.

*unimpressed glare*

This episode is what superhero genres shows should be like most of the time. Gotham and Arrow take note!
*To be fair Arrow has improved greatly from last year's stumble. Gotham the less said the better.

This is perhaps the sole reason I'm inclined to give E2 Wells the benefit of the doubt. He may be keeping secrets, but I doubt he's evil.

Wow, what an enjoyable episode! Like, WOW! I've completely forgotten about that nightmare called "Gotham".
I can't stop thinking "wow".
More of this on network TV, please. =^-^=

Maybe. IDK. If you're really really greedy?

I could buy that. The writers could have made that a tad more clear if that was the intention.

Lunch today is at beano76's place, everybody!

It's hard to believe Gordon was a detective at one time.

Or, rob human traffickers at flamethrower point and go home for ice cream and cat treats.

IKR? I was expecting something:

You are so NOT the boss of me!
*jumps out window with a case of JD, disappears across rooftops*

At least he's got consistent characterization. Consistently crazy, but unlike Babs, he's supposed to be that way.

Mooning over Ms. Silver St. Bitch.