
If you've got a cat gimmick, somehow you get a pass. Blame the cat lobby.

She'd still be alive after falling 50 feet off a cliff onto a snow covered ledge …with a knife in her back

Most everything you said:

You watch this show, right? Then you should know you need a fifth just to get through an episode. Everyone's too drunk to solve your silly riddles.

Oh dear Lord, can it get any worse? Ed stupidly wants to set himself up in a way that would be sure to get caught(How the Frack does he get Kringle's hand in the machine?),
Mrs. Penguin gets offed for no discernible reason except to show who EVIL they are,
and Gordon isn't smart enough to say, "Sorry about that back

Sheep feta is the best. Once I had cow feta."What are these bland spongy cubes?" I wondered. So it really is about what you're expecting.

It was like Ennis really felt the need to make a point or something….

To say FTWD was a disappointment would be an understatement.

And he's still typing, lol.

I feel I can indulge now Fables has come to an end.

Marketing insipid crap to children should be treated as a form of child exploitation, imo. The problem is this is how the "Moral majority" type of "oh noes protect the children" reactionary politics gets started.

No more Internets for you!

This alleged "passive aggression" is entirely in your imagination. I was talking to you like everybody else.
You decided, inexplicably, to take offense.
It blew up in your face.
Welcome to the Internet.

And with those tactics, when needed you can rally square. Maybe not as effective as it is against live cavalry, but you can stay alive long enough to be rescued.

Yeh, that's a tough one. Eastman had a plan, and it didn't sound like a bad plan, so why wouldn't Morgan go along.

One should definitely scale the force to use that's appropriate. But the guy I mentioned was trying to be a "gentlemen". Or get a date. :D

Your tax dollars at work!

>He's had 3 appearances and about 10 lines of dialogue. The passive aggressive tone doesn't suit you really.

I feel ya. The Wolves seem to be turning into Kirkman's onscreen Reavers. They didn't make sense either, until the film Serenity came out. I remember watching when they're listening to the recording on Miranda and knowing as soon as she said " a small percentage react with extreme violence" it was Reavers. Much

Most brutal dictators know this and take precautions.Rarely see it on screen though. They don't wander around without a bodyguard or grandstand withing shooting range. This is part of why Negan never worked for me past a few issues. The Governor was already a stretch.