
Shane's imbalance just wasn't portrayed consistently on screen. He's clearly meant to have all the same problems he did in the comic and it was dead obvious he was barely holding it together. I guess they wanted to give us some reason besides desperation that people would follow him so they made him more reasonable.

Shades of Obi wan and Anakin. Qui Gon understood how to reach the kid. Obi Wan not so much.
*goes back to pretending prequels didn't happen*

I've been charry of the concept. I will be surprised if things aren't toned down. Frankly I thought Ennis was unnecessarily over the top and gratuitous in the comic.

Right up until the servers die.

The writing is definitely lazy with Maggie(and often Glenn). Both are cast as if they walked out of the comic and that seems to be were their characters stopped.I was shocked to learn many people though Glenn and Maggie were bleh. But it makes sense if they never read the comics and the writers didn't bother to make

The depressing thing is, assuming I survived the first wave of "Surprise, Zombies!" where many people who could otherwise make it will be killed by bad luck/surprise, I'm pretty sure I could make it.

This reminds me of the chipotle sauce trend were everywhere I turned some bugger wanted to dump it on my pizza. I love Mexican food, but not on my pizza. WTF?

Goat cheese is very strong. With the exception of goat feta, which is okay(I prefer sheep), that flavor is simply not what people expect in a chedder, edam or whatever. The goat cheese makers should focus on traditional cheese that use goat milk, like feta. Don't bother with a "cheddar" because I'm never going to

*Sigh* Guess I have to read the review after all…

This is how I felt when people would opine Jackson was mucking up the the Hobbit because it was a kids book. Jackson's flaws aside(I enjoyed the films, but there are flaws), the Hobbit was a kids book written for kids in the 1930's who were raised on wars stories from the first world war, of which Tolkien was a

Her wig wasn't bothering me as much as some people. But OMG, they all had exactly the same shade of red!

Wow, that is dedication. There is literally nothing that could convince me to voluntarily lose muscle mass, however briefly. Life sends plenty of minor setbacks as it is.(Currently recovering from a back injury—have not been in the gym for 4 wks. Go back next week, finally.)

We'll see. That one looks like he was having too much fun killing people and his nihilism doesn't sound like it comes from despair, but from being a privileged wanker. A privileged wanker who loves to kill for "reasons" . Not a lot to work with there.

The kid blackbelt thing is something I never thought of. Defiinately depends on how old the kid is: we get most of our size around 15/16, though there are boys(and some girls) get more size into their early 20s, the bastards(I'm not bitter…no really). But a kid who hasn't made puberty yet…there's all sorts of

Was going to mention bats, but I thought they used some earlier in the show? Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part. Even a good hickory bat is better than the "trusty fruit knife" hunt and peck they're doing.

People really have a hard time believing physical fitness(powerlifting)is a much more reliable deterrent/defense than my now rusty martial arts training. I do not understand this. It must be the mystique of the East. If you can deadlift twice your body weight, no casual attacker is going to bother you(not counting

Which is doubly ironic as I credit fairytales to opening my interest in real medieval history and exposure to effective low tech weaponry. But you don't have to be an old SCA lag. Why aren't people using more crowbars? Almost as good as a broadsword. But yeh, I think the lack of "pointy things on sticks" weaponry

Swan doesn't understand the mistake she made. A monster with a soul is very, very dangerous. You've got a person who has a moral center but will be ruthless about dealing with any threat. And in the case of Rumple, someone who has lots, and lots of practice being ruthless—and has no motive to try to "reach" her by

I was wondering if at the last minute it would be Belle. Yes Rumple did a heroic thing now, but i don't think that should suddenly make you qualified to be a HERO *TM.
But now we get to have badass Rumple back, and that's almost as good.

He travels back to the future apparently. Not just Camelot's future, but Mundy future too.