
The Dark One really can't resist making a deal….

Oh without a doubt, ammo would become a problem pretty quick. Long term any type of bow. Polearms would be good choices too, something the show doesn't exploit at all. Come on, walking stick plus spear/axe/whatever.
I was more responding to the idea that super king fu skills can somehow magically relieve people of

Yes. but it only works when the character has not chosen to be a psychopath, which is what the wolves have done. I'll give it possible some of the wolves have been driven to that lifestyle by PTSD/tragedy, but the way they're playing the one Morgan talked to no chance. It would be a cheat if he turned around. He

I just wait a couple three weeks so I can watch in at the marginally better 5 mins at a time.

don't underestimate the value of someone who can raise morale. Assuming the Alexanderian community(it is too late to care about spelling) infrastructure is intact, there's still a place for good leadership. Now she's come around on the gun thing, she's not going to be dead weight and, face it, Rick and co are great

Rule 34 strikes again!

I was hoping they'd do something different, like, most of what they did, but NOT have Eastman die…they just decide to part ways, oh and to be REALLY daring, the part amicably.
But no,, this is TWD….the Mentor must have a Tragic ending to drive our Grasshopper forward.

Gospel of Brian.

I seriously did make cheese once. It started as an accident: raw whole cow milk curdled in the frig and by the time i got to it, it was halfway there. did some quick research, mixed it with chives and garlic and strained it into a ball and let it hang for a month in the cellar.
That's what this show got wrong:

Well, most people on the show, with the possible exception of the Alexanerian Eloi, look a bit too healthy. Take Abraham. Most of us who know how much work it takes to build and maintain muscle wonder where he's getting his protein. He'd keep some of his pre-apocalypse strengh, but he'd be lean/ripped from being

Anyone is better that Laundry obsessed Lori who can crash a car with literally no other traffic.

Morgan's getting a crash course in the difference between him—grief sticken/PTSD— and someone who has chosen to be Evil for the Lulz.

As good as this episode was, I couldn't help thinking of the one thing all martial artists want during the Zombie Apocalypse: a gun.


The bo work looked basic, as in very basic. Not enough to suggest "amazing martial arts zombie killer", but they were real moves.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Oh yes, I forgot. Must have repressed, lol.

Or better yet, do all that timeywimey checking BEFORE they travelled back to the past.

Interesting theory. Could be true. We'll see.

No, I don't think she raised them either, but since Angela's involved I'd think she'd give them access to better resources.