
Well played, sir.

Yeah, well, you see how that contradicts the killing herself is the only way out motive? If she's that desperate, telling them to get her out STAT makes more sense. And if she's worried about the guards, that bullet has a better use. Like the Doctor, she can "explain things later".

Oh really? When did Lucas pull that out of his arse? Or was that in the Expanded Universe? It's clear in RoTJ Luke is asking Leia about her real mother.
I don't know why I care. This is the same man who gave us midichlorians…

I wasn't getting she was "surgically attached". I thought she was plugged in and they stayed that way because they were meant to be kept unconscious. And even if she was "plugged", they could have cut the cord.

>Perhaps Erica unknowingly contributed to the birth of Claire's magic babies, who will SAVE THE WORLD.

I was wondering about the bombs vanishing too. And for that matter, his cloths.

And why is past Noah apparently trying to stop future Noah from killing Bitch Queen? It's not like Past Noah has any worries about her loss screwing up his plans, and knowing himself, AND knowing bitch queen screwed with his security, Noah could guess she had something to di with the bombing and, seeing himself,

Re: Molly
So far I'm not seeing anything that would make her feel blowing her brains out was the ONLY option. Am I missing something?

I would think if she new how important he is, she would have to know he's a future baby. What bothers me is, if she got him from Mama Pertrelli, with those resources why doesn't she have better protection or a safe house? It makes their running around look ridiculous.

And completely ignore that the girl, as an adult, remembered her mother when she was very young.

>Whenever the writers paint themselves into a corner, they will eventually retcon it with Hiro.

Too many butterflies….

You know, for once being a pretty good manipulator himself, Mohinder has gotten a wee bit dense and over trusting.

I'm just not sure I buy that, considering the tinkering Hiro has done in the past. Keep it minimal-remove the bombs, only the bombs. Or, and this would have been good—he removes most of the bombs, but misses one or two. Still a tragedy, but a minor one and ruins enough of Bitch Queen's plans that they have more to

On the carrot bit, he says try a carrot and The Evil Queen nixed it, "Or not." At least that's what I though she said. It was soft and I had to rewind.
I agree about Luke's son. With what we know about daddy, looks like it's a power he can't control, like maybe instead of radiating he absorbs sunlight but so fast it

I'm actually pretty pleased with the way they explained Nathan and his adopted nurse mum, the Killer Couple and how Mohinder was double-crossed. But I share the annoyance that Hiro couldn't change anything more because of spacetimecontinuumbutterflyeffect plotonium. Come on.

Noah not lifting/lowering the sheet bothered me all through the scene because no one in his position, with his motivation(must know if Clair-Bear is really really dead) would NOT lower the sheet. It's smacks of the writers toying with the audience, writing so coy it makes characters do things no normal person would.

Or at all.

This is already better than Gotham and I haven't even watched it yet!
(49 minutes remaining on download)

Well, I haven't. Just came over from the Gotham thread. There's a mass exodus. Expect more villains around here. =^-^=