
I think I'll stick with it to the end of the season, but I don't know if I'll be back. I can't believe I used to defend this show.

I think is says something that, with Supergirl premièring, the same night, the number of people commenting here has plummeted. Not even 200 comments in 12 hours. It's like a ghost house.

>The fact that they only got 12K from human traffickers is flat out ridiculous. Must be the cheapest humans ever.
Maybe they were Rent-a-Humans.

How depressingly true.

Agree except for Babs. No excuse for what they've done to her. Nothing she does makes sense IMHO. But Cobblebot is brilliance. At least it was until they turned him back into a snivelling wreck.

Oh yeh, total ethics whiplash. Adequate writing lasts for about 30 seconds on this show.

That would be more believable than whatever the writers actually do.

How very amusing for you.

And you have described bad writing perfectly: it's like a conspiracy theory where facts are cherry picked to fit an agreed conclusion.

Thanks for your honestly. Now leave us to our despair.

>Don't try resuscitating her, just howl to the sky in anguish.

But in a rare instance of if not good, then adequate writing, Gordon got chewed out. I enjoyed that.

Chin up…Flash is on tomorrow. =^-^=

To their credit, Gotham has cornered the market on grim, moody graphics.

I had to click that link….I just had too…

This. Is. Gotham.
Don't bring your touchy-feely, la dee da, high flootin understanding of police work and basic logic into the conversation.

IKR? Unless she's going to heal completely over the next few episodes.
I should slit my wrists now.

Lets tighten that review of yours up, my tea loving friend. Too wordy.
How about: IT SUCKED.

Re: Other News

After my comment at the 4 minute mark, it only got worse. Penguin is becoming deranged because the plot requires it (hook up with Babs in future?). Ed Nygma apparently can't do CPR and the basement of Wayne enterprises houses a ghastly human experimenting lab.