
I was never much into the "Super" family comics, but shit, fuck damn, Gotham has gotten so bad I've nothing to lose giving Supergirl a go.

So Cobbelpot doesn't chop off a couple of fingers, but Butch's whole hand? And how is he expecting Butch to sell his services?
Not to mention, a hand can be reattached without ruining Butch's story, if that's the way he wants to play it.

Fair point, though he did have the Doctor with him on those occasions.

Not arguing with you at all, lol. I could listen to Mison as Crane all day, ranting on modern stuff[A fan should so this on Youtube. The Crane Report or summat. I'd be tempted, but I'm not a man or built in a way that could fake it for laughs a la Jennifer Saunders). Just for the sake of the show's quality (think


This is why I think the awkward dialogue is realistic and works in small doses. It loses it's entertainment value fast for those of us who remember exactly what it was like being a teen.

I grudgingly agree.

>So Glenn's alive, and while I'm glad, at the same time, to the creators/producers of TWD, fuck you!

Oh yeah him. Poor bastard.

A double fakeout of the audience, so to speak. I also don't mind a non-glorious, stupid death. They happen.

I assume this is one of those instances it actually worked. Don't watch Fargo, so I'll take your word for it.

Magical Zombies! The worst of both Genres!

No, no, you can tell magical broadswords from the ordinary ones easy peasy: the magical ones are stuck in rocks.

After reading more comments the suspicion is he's NOT really dead, and they're just toying with us.
That. Is. Such. Bullshit.
If true, why even do that? It wasn't like we weren't into the show. If this is a stunt, it will backfire. And I speak as one who WANTS Glenn to live. But I don't want Deus ex machina to do

Sad isn't it? We bitch and bitch about trite writing and now we're begging for it.

At least until you look inside the box.

It goes with the Skulls of Mush/Jaws of Steel syndrome.

It wouldn't make a difference, she's slowing them down as much as she's going to alive or dead. Better dead. And I doubt anyone is that selfless if they're being eaten alive.

Seriously. Shoot the poor bastard already. That was horrible.

Kirkman regretted that. Unlikely to happen in the show.