
Except I don't call him a pacifist. He'd be dead if he was. He's no kill/catch release. Which has it's own set of long term problems post apocalypse.
I'm not sure I like this turn of characterisation.

It didn't help we saw a return of the Zombie ninjas that are able to sneak up on a party in a sparsely wooded forest with reasonable 360 visibility.

I was thinking of Maggie to and how this would affect her. What really annoys me is why couldn't Glenn have made it? Kirkman regretted cutting Rick's hand off. I guess he doesn't regret Glenn dying.

Ah, the technically uninformed writers strike again!

They'd still need propellent. Green trees and bushes don't just light up with a flick of your bick. Also, a feedstore would likely have fertilizers and a pyro's dream: ammonium nitrate.
For a second I was worried the whole town would be turned into a crater before they escaped. But I should have realized TWD writers

I think there is literally no chance and Glenn's as dead as a doornail, but I'll cross fingers with you because I like Glenn. OTOH, if they do pull a Houdini, unless there's a manhole cover right underneath him, my respect for the writing will plummet.

Spit screen is one of those things that sounds cool.. to film students discovering the medium. In practice it's either cheesy or used to hide weaknesses in narrative. A bit like slow motion,

I was briefly hoping he might do the zombie gut camo thing, but you need zombie guts the zombies aren't actually using.

I get your point, but it's slightly better than having to rescue them every two seconds.

Glenn surviving falling into walkers would be absurd. Almost as absurd as him falling in the first place. Surviving on a dumpster island would be a stretch too, but one I would have accepted.

Particularly the one in the field that should have been able to kick and, I don't know, run away. It's only a horse's primary adaptation. =^-^=

At least I didn't have to listen to Negan go on , and on, and on and on….

I was hoping this incarnation would make it.

That annoyed me a little, but the legend does say they catch bad dreams, so it's not the catcher per se that's evil. Hey, I'm a longtime fan of Celtic Mythology and was way into Merlin for years. Merlin, Myrddin, is an archtypical god pre-dating the Arthurian legends. Britain was known as Clas Myrddyn "Merlin's

>I mean, hurting Henry like that? It wasn't even for lack of choice.

To be fair, we don't yet know her Plan, or what happened after Arthur rode off in a huff in the Fairyback, but, yeh, the writers seem to be confused on tone/motivation. It could be as simple as Emma herself is deluded into thinking she can pick up her relationships as if nothing has happened. Rumple did this for

They haven't given her much to do, but when she's on screen she has presence. So, YMMV.

>It would bother me less if I thought that the writers hadn't just completely forgotten the fact that it was there.

You've gotta keep your chin up in these troubled times.

Merida is great to watch. Though the freshly laundered blue tunic is starting to wear a bit… What is it with this show? Everyone one looks like they're just been to the drycleaners.
And they should lose the Dark Swan's tail, train thing on her jacket. It looks weird, much better without it.