
*Sigh-shakes head*
Those wacky writers who have never been part of the SCA(Society for Creative Anachronism—google it. There's a British society that similar, but forget it's name at the mo).
12 minutes in an Henry, a healthy teenager, is have trouble lifting a sword. Nope, nope, nope.

Yeh, that's called a reconstruction and was what I was describing. Ergo your response sounded trollish. It was late, so maybe we all sounded trollish.

But I don't think they would as long as it was a solid action/adventure. Instead of a monster/alien threat, it can be a rescue/heist type of story, with the Doctor's toys giving him the edge…right up until something happens where they don't.
It would take some solid writing to do this with an alien menace, but it can

It was a late night. Sue me.

Welcome to fandom.

Nope, can't think of anything clever tonight, except DIE SPAMBOT DIE

Yeh, it's what we fans do. ;)

So you're like a troll? Cyberman or Dalek?

Good point.

Cheers for the link.

I guess we have to remember they hadn't settled on a regeneration system yet, lol.

I see what you mean, but I'm okay with it…for now. Frankly, doing modest stakes well can be a good thing…it makes the return to bigger stakes all that much better.


And good storytelling is timeless and for all ages. I get so annoyed when people complain about NuWho based on, "There's too much FX now! It's supposed to be a children's show!" As if children's shows haven't changed with the times too.

There was a lot about the 5th season that kept me entertained. I'm a mad River Song fan, though I admit the writers failed her by making her a bit of a Sue. She should have had some obvious flaws to ground her, nothing morally bankrupt, just something. Capt Jack can be an asshole, so can the Doctor, A bit of that.

I've been meaning to read more of the books with original stories Quality seems to be hit or miss. Read an excellent one with the Second Doctor and Ben and Polly. Then a feeble one with the Seventh Doctor and Ace(it was a good plot, but boring writting, if that makes sense). So I'll look this one up -is it the

I have literally watched every surviving episode of Doctor Who. Took me a year and a half from "Unearthly Child". One can fairly say the 1st Doctor had very little camp, but there was plenty of comedy. The Second Doctor was a bit of a ham—he liked to play the fool to keep people off footed— and that's where it

I think the key is "heart". While superserious episodes can be emotionally honest, on average, Doctor Who does a better job with emotional engagement when it's not taking itself so seriously.

If it's just for one story, it can work. As I recall the Time Lords wiped Jamie's memory and we're supposed to assume the second Doctor's optimistic view Jamie survived Culloden. (I'm just going by Tv continuity here, not including books etc).

Is this a real thing or are you just cruelly teasing us?