
This is an rare instance of representing real self defence training: you lock joints, break bones, throw bodies, whatever it takes to put them down/chase them away/make the attack stop.

See, I agree with the first part, but I switch CoE and MD. Easy.
The degree to which my fellow fans generally disagree goes so beyond the normal range of "itwasaweseome vs didn'tworkforme" it makes me want to do a study on both groups. What about the story/plot/expectations/characters are working for one group, but

However, unlike other violently unreasonable villain employers(famously the Joker), Damien's at a power level he can actually get away with it. Mind, once word gets out, the volunteers will dry up…

"This goes through armor. And through the victim, through the wall, through a tree outside…"
Sorry; not helping, am I? XD

Fair points about the film. Many of us wouldn't be bitching(as much, heh) if the studio just made it inspired by Hellblazer, but called it something else with new characters. On it's own, I hear it's rather good. But it's not Hellblazer, hence our disappointment.

Well, I don't follow Canadian politics, but I hope it works out! =^-^=

I want him to walk in every time Team Arrow is thinking about doing something stupid and explain to them how stupid it is, in the most amusing way. He can be Team Arrow's Spike(circa BTVS Season 4-5).
Aside: James Marsters was the favourite among my personal friends to be cast for the Constantine film. How Keanu

Papa Midnight definitely gave the show focus. It could be the nature of the medium(serial TV), but the writers did better when they had someone Johnny could play off of. Not just a sidekick, but at his level, a black-mage peer, so to speak. And Midnight killed it.

Oh dear…I'm afraid to ask!


In the hands of a professional it's predictable. In the hands of a novice with no inhibitions, God knows what they will do. Terrifying; not necessarily more effective. There's a difference.

I enjoyed "Constantine", but agree it was written very unevenly. I hope they can resume the series in the future once they get their shit together.
But in spite of that, they couldn't kill Johnny. Ask the Devil; our Johnny always wiggles out of that sort of thing!

Oh how you tease me…it's audio! I'm a visual cat! *sigh*
I'll probably give it a go at some point. Thx!

I'm one of those weirdos who liked Miracle Day.
*runs away*

I think it worked. She was a panicking amateur. Anyone will tell you newbies are dangerous because they have the drive but no control. Completely unpredictable, hence the lucky hit.

I said it last week, "Monkey's Paw".

Camp discipline, old chap. We're all a team!

Every time I see him on screen, a little voice in the back of my head says, "And why exactly am I not getting more Torchwood?"

Nothing more terrifying than a machine gun in the hands of a novice.