
Oh I forgot about that! Best, Telling Off. Ever.


Thx. =^-^=

>-With Felicity's phone, I think that's Ray trying to contact her

Well, in spite of the Nanda Parbet(sp?) idiocy, it was fun.

Mkay. Then that's my suspect, obvious though it may be.

While that's a great goal, it was never exclusively an American one. We Yanks just talk about it louder. I find more meaningful diversity in France or Canada. Or even(according to friends) Brazil.

Ah, thanks for that.

Walmart. They are EVERYWHERE.

The answer should be raw grubs/slugs, but Hollywood rarely finds real survival food fit for entertainment.

I'm tempted to, but wasn't he in the van?

Or over blowing serious, but not THAT serious injuries. Like on FTWD when she steps on a shard or something fleeing the riot, our resident nurse goes into overdrive, describing the worst possible outcome without medical treatment, gangrene.
Really? You people don't have whisky or even fracking salt around to

I'm still stuck on the Hollywood Computer Virus. Either these people have the worst firewalls ever, or no one ever told them don't click on strange attachments. Or, in their case, even open strange emails. =^-^=

If you're not willing to spend years reading a shit ton of comixs, you'll never get it. Just enjoy the show. =^-^=

Yeh, unless his power is "re-merge out of stone fragments", that theory is a non-starter.

Okay, I see that point, but the working names of actors in Hollywood have historically been all over the map. It started with needing a unique name that could be marketed well. Bruce Lee's birth name is Lee Jun-fan, but that would sound weird even in today's market. European actors do this too, maybe not as much,

I thought of that, but he wasn't holding a cell phone. It looked like a Dramatic Detonator complete with switch.

When I had a store, there was a string of those damn Indian bells on the inside nob to know when anyone came in. No one surprised me. You'd think STAR labs could manage that level of alarm technology.

I meant from the trigger Dad was holding…in the building on the other side of town or wherever.

I've encountered both uses myself, just depends on context. Europe is full of indo-Europeans; not many of them look like Indians or Afghans.