
This looks like it's going to be an interesting conversation. See my comment up thread, then maybe duck. =^-^=

What on earth do you mean by "White Side"? She's going with what her character knows, which is a life experience as a "white" hacker. The fact her mum is Chinese is interesting information, but comes too late to inform the character's self image/ethnicity.

THIS. In real life this can be an insultingly dumb issue, of course. People don't necessarily look like what you expect their DNA ancestry/ acquired ethnicity is(Lots of person experience here). But on screen it's reasonable in Hollywood, for the ease of the narrative, to go with strong appearances, unless it's

Unrelated, review forgot to tag MARVELS Agents of Shield. It's just Agents of Shield. I'm reloading the old tag and getting nothing like a jerk…..

Fun is good. The whole "jump out the window" reminded me of the Matrix. I was kinda surprised Iris didn't mention that.

Timetravel = monster migraine.

"I couldn't have done it without him."
*knowing smirk*

I think it's supposed to be dumb, from nerves. Too realistic maybe?

This person doesn't sound like they're interested in a real discussion, fyi.

Upvoted for user name. Lol, haven't seen that ep of Blackie for a while. =^-^=

A (slight) delay in her understanding would have worked better for me , too. But the scene was played so well, I'll let it slide.

You're not quite the only one. You have 3 upvotes.

Actually it looked like they took that into account. I thought I saw him running up and down a little before stopping, as if to disperse the force of her momentum. I'd have to rewatch to be sure.

Perhaps you'd like to share the bit that didn't work for you.

I would have been okay with her being upset briefly and needing to take a walk, get some air…but yeah, it was well played.

IKR? I was thinking, "Well, maybe it freezes an energy pathway it senses?", but that's fanwanking. Shouldn't have worked with physics as we know it.

While I generally agree, visavis Arrow, the actors are(were? we hope…) really hampered by godawful writing. There's only so much they can do with bad material.

Very good ep. But the bomb in Lisa's neck should have been WAY out of range from the trigger.

Hey, you're stealing MY excuses!
