
That would be the obvious thing. The only reason I can think for NOT doing exactly that is DC entertainment doesn't want it competing with the films?

Upvoted for flattery…with cats it will get you EVERYWHERE. =^-^=

That threw me too. Fish didn't have what 1 and a half episodes after her epic come-back before her swan dive. very little time to connect with anyone, much less Selina.

*ahem* My counterpart is actually rather astute most of the time.

And here I was stuck on that cop dying after only a few seconds in flames. Yeh, it's horrible but Gordon put it out faster than that guy who lit himself at a petrol pump in Georgia 2 weeks ago. He had to be airlifted, but he's alive.
OTOH almost serves the cop right for grappling with an arsonist holding a not

I have mixed reactions of "Are you kidding? " and " Yeh, let's do it. Someone needs to liven up things around here".

Actually, some of us are anti-heroes. Just saying. =^-^=

I think that's what they call cheating, Hatter. tut. tut.

Whoa. Didn't expect Negan to show up in the comments. BTW, wrong show. =^-^=

Not sure that you can without cutting it. Don't fuses have magnesium burning? (too tired to google right now)

That was so painful.

Just remember to keep your banana permit with you at all times.

That’s in the advanced class.

Wouldn't surprise me if BLESSED himself would love to do something like that for a laugh, but would anyone let him? He's the "go to" guy for larger than life, manly parts.

Smells like cost cutting somewhere. This may explain the disappointment with Moffat that I share. No one can stay at the top of their form in a work situation like that. I may owe that man an apology….

You crazy dreamer…

"Why do you have chairs on a Dalek spaceship anyway?"

Loganberries, pshaw! It's the bananas you have to watch out for:

IKR? But it was a fakeout - they just felt honor bound to stay.

"Listen" was very good, but that was the episode that annoyed me because the writers forgot the Cloister Bell should have gone off. It's like someone told them, because now it's tripping like a car alarm. XD