
Well, Vikings never had horns on their helmets either. These are things in Doctor Who you just let wash over you.

I'm sure you meant to type, BRIAN BLESSED.

I had to look up which episodes those were—they happen to be my favourite two episodes from last series. Mathieson gets Doctor Who: it's not just a clever plot and being witty, but the sense of wonder and adventure. That's been missing for me. Hope we get more.

It's less of a two parter, and more like "the story continues on this subject/theme". Which is okay.

Sounds like Moffat needs a humility time outs. while The Lonely Child/Doctor Dances are my top best NuWho episodes, that's because they are well written/plotted, not because of Moffat's attachment to any particular philosophy.

Bring her back then give her a proper send off with her hubby from FOTD. I'm up for that, but a season would be a bit much.

And they design them…

Right, there's a review. I was so stoked I forgot to read it. =^-^=

Depends on the crop. I wouldn't want to be hit by a cabbage.

"Ever" is rather a high bar. But it was excellent. I actually might rewatch it. Haven't done that since Series 5.

Classic Who, warts and all, don't care, fantastic episode! ALLONS-Y!

You are 100% correct in all your points re: Robin. And I always had a problem with that too.(You just can't please some people!) In the comics it varied wildly from writer to writer how plausible he was. It would help to age him up, say 15-16 instead of 12-13, but the character concept is stuck in the Silver Age.

Perspective? That ship has long since sailed. ;)

I have a friend who''s mad, mad about Defiance. I'm planning to give it a go someday, but right now I have my own writing to finish and I have a rule about not reading/watching genre fiction with extensive world building while I'm actively working on my own. Sounds bizarre, but years ago I realized I had to stop

Not arguing with the plan, just the execution of it(But interesting background trivia. Thx) It's the X-files syndrome: everyone stands around watching the looming threat loom instead of at least acting like they have a chance to stop it.

Yes, she had youth and enthusiasm, but did she have a high squeaky voice while she did it? Maybe I need to rewatch….or maybe because I was a kid when I saw them I didn't notice…

Fair point. Everyone else did seem to be, " Um, what?"

Her character would bring more if they'd remember her superpower is being a lawyer. This should be significant character contribution, a la Daredevil. But it's just being treated like her hair color.

While what you say is true, logically, she should have been a lot better last season. People forget she had solid, effective self-defence training before she got into the masked crimefighter biz. They took a detour making her ridiculously LESS effective the last two seasons, so now I'm okay with her being solid. I

Good point on the motivation. If the writers(oh those wacky writers!) had underlined/reminded us of the source of Oliver's misgivings, his lectures,wouldn't have looked/sounded heavy-handed.