
That should be a very simple thing for Selina to just do. She could catch up Bruce somewhere in his run, after laughing her arse off at his running kit.

Not coming back from that.

Remember where they're keeping Cobblepot's mum? Kyle's relatives are her roomies. Tends to make reviewers get to deadline.

*less one small bag of loot*

Well, didn't that happen this episode?

It's be nice if he'd hold off until I can steal most of their valuables. A cat's gotta eat. =^-^=

I think we already agree they are rotting slower. It's just by now(a year, 2?), some of them should be falling apart, ergo less overall zombies. Heck, in season one(I think?) we had half Zombie corpses. It's like the longer the apocalypse goes on, the more intact they are!

>Why is this show so apparently afraid of, or uninterested in, creating and exploring alien cultures?

They were doing a bit of that earlier in NuWho, even in the middle of Season Amy, er, Series 5: The Beast Below, The Vampires of Venice. The problem is a balance of wacky singles sprinkled in a longer arc. This is not actually difficult, and technically that's what's happening now—it just doesn't feel like it

I'd say he drove the truck too well. I'd like to have seen more fishtailing, etc, but it was a good scene.

Hmmm…yeh, that is a little short. But like you say, he could make it work.

Probably not. From a narrative point, I wish they would, because the aforementioned lack of self awareness means she's going to start trouble "just cuz "at some point. But I agree we shouldn't be executing people just because they mightstart trouble later.

Short or short for Hollywood? My impression of Jesus was he was average height. Now I have to go back to the comics to check.

But as someone pointed out, it's a quarry—there might be dynamite/explosives. *shrugs*

Not sure about casting. The guy's hawt, but Jesus should look a little sturdier.

Hook's character was been solidly and consistently written to a degree that most characters on the show should be but aren't.

Then there's the skull of mush/teeth of steel syndrome.

I liked Toby Maguire as Spiderman.

Jafar might be too much for this season, but it could be a thing. I also want more Will Scarlet. I loved Michael Socha in "Being Human" and OUATIW. Now he's criminally underused in OUAT.

So the camera should record Arthur but it will take a while to figure exactly what's up, unless someone can lip read. At the very least they should be able to catch Arthur in his expected lie: "I have no idea what made him take his own life *sad face*"