
I agree 100%. I was thinking, "Ah ha! Arthur doesn't understand about modern tech." Then it occurred to me the writers might have forgotten about modern tech too.

Good point, but te big difference right now is Regina wants to change and is changing. Zelena is creepily looking to her child for the love she craves, which is highly dysfunctional and shows she literally has no clue. It is never a baby's job to validate the parent, even in non-magical circumstances.

It's the speech that really gets to you: "Storybrooke, you have failed this Saviour."

Every time they mention Camelot, my earworm starts singing "Camelot, I know it sounds a bit bizarre!…."

OTOH during much of that tome Rumple was playing everyone in some way, even Belle, who he really loves. So people know, even with good intentions, being the Dark One is inherently corrupting.

Even the Frozen material would have worked better if they reworked them for live action like the other characters. And if they ever got Elsa out of that damn dress.

Albeit it was brief, but still annoying.

To be fair he is a completely different personality, and in the comics, there is quite a gap between them. But Negan was even more cartoonish and improbably secure in his power. It would have worked a lot better if Rick and gang had stumbled on a pre-existing plot to dispose Negan. Negan's methods can work in the

I can't remember. It would make sense if it did.


Like "No shit Sherlock".

Giving him tips was the best.
"Ah, I see you're planning a coup to kill us.
*sigh-shakes head*
You're doing it wrong."

Okay, I think you're right.

Thank God you're not talking about Negan. He was a good villain…. in small doses. Then somehow his stay went on and on and on.
A fan favourite(but not mine), he had similar problems with the comic Governor:
no one that obnoxious would NOT have his throat slit in bed by other people who might be just as amoral, but

Someone like that is basically a bully looking for trouble. Sooner or later he would have to be taken out.

The romantic subplot was the only thing is this episode that bored me to tears.

I liked how Morgan saw right through Carol's stepford ruse.
"What? Lil ol me?"
"Girl, you ain't fooling me."

We did finish FTWD, as a result many will be more charitable than usual.

Oh dear, he had George Lucasitus? That would explain literally everything about FTWD.

It confused me at first. I had to fast forward to check the file was okay. Then it was oh, the past is black and white, mkay.