
Speaking of Zombie locomotion, is there any reason why every surviving human shouldn't be safe from walkers on a platform of 2 to 3 feet or more? Zombies shouldn't be able to climb, much less use stairs. Even walking, which they can barely do, is a complex controlled fall where you catch yourself with each step. For

I got the impression we weren't shown all of Rick's endgame because someone was ringing the Cloister Bell, er, foghorn back home. (Sorry, wrong show). Anyway, I do wonder why they couldn't reinforce the quarry, making a permanent Zombie trap(like the pit the Governor had) and clean/burn it out regularly.

I was wondering why they hadn't eaten each other by now. I know they don't usually, but desperate measures….

No, you're not.

It was a quarry. The fire would put itself out.
Another argument against the fire bomb plan is the waste of fuel that no one is making any more(TTBOOK).

It wasn't a bad plan, but it was a bit like juggling armed nuclear warheads.

I was thinking napalm, but yeah. Reinforce the barriers keeping them in, then flame on.

I thought about her too. Yes it looks both ghastly and cheesy, but in the premise of the show quite realistic.

One way to avoid both extremes would be to let extras bring their own zombie clothes. That would produce a diverse selection the director could tweak scene by scene.

Though not thoroughly enough. If they are decaying, albeit slowly, most should be falling apart now, leaving the odd zombie skull lying about like a rotting landmine.

Well, they did digitally remove the towers in the first Toby Maguire movie. What were they really hiding? Conspiracy!

Okay guys, you know the real answer is the cost of wrangling dogs. Unless you want CGI dogs…

I'm in!

Unless he's a stylish larger than life corporate pirate type who dispenses nihilistic wisdom between scenery chewing. We keep those around for a while.

Something is seriously wrong with your life when the definition of "aces" is you in a car with a zombie horde following you.

You could see his death coming from when he first opened his mouth at the meeting: "But guys this is dangerous and stuff!"

"Thank God nothing happened… to your hair."
Tara sgould know by now Eugene's hair is apocalypse proof. =^-^=

Oh and that mushroom is based on the Fly Agaric, used in herbal medicine and by Siberian shamans, so there's some magicy history they based it on.

Killian owned his partial responsibility for making Rumple evil. Wish more shows had characters express this level of moral maturity.