
Damn it, mine isn't downloaded yet. Oh well. Thanks to FTWD I predict comments will be a lot more tolerant than usual….or will they? =^-^=

Oh, Rory was a thing. I carried a torch for Rory..especially after he was erased from history while the Doctor crouches beside him mournfully instead of, say, YANKING HIS BODY AWAY FROM THE TENDRILS OF LIGHT FROM THE CRACK.

Idk, but the eighth quite simply gives the already haunting piece a classical elegance. It's the heart of the theme, but I guess its too long for network TV.
For those of you who have no idea what we're talking about:
Original Theme: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Middle Eight starts 00:34
A more recent theme with

Yes, we need more of that! 90% of threats should not be serious for the Doctor: he's the wild card that crashes into the plans of warlords, alien invaders, mad scientists and other bullies. The Doctor—usually rightly—doesn't take these people seriously. He outwits them with plenty of distraction and a few lessons on

Yeh, the touching the ground means the writers intended her to not "hear" it.

Actually, while you have many good points, the Doctor ALWAYS ran around and explained things at a breakneck pace, or not at all. This was parodied with Rowan Atkinson in the title roll:

But right now it feels like it.

I was very annoyed when Pink was killed off.
Someone in a previous thread suspected Pink was killed off to take away a reason for Clara to leave the Doctor. I suspect they're right and that's just bad writing.

This could be entertaining. "But why can't you just do what you did back in UNIT that sent that T-rex packing? Hey, where's the Whomobile?

I can even hear him saying something like that:
Doctor: "If I wanted a slobbering puppy who worshipped the ground I walk on I'd go to a pet shop! I thought you were trained by now!"
Sara Jane: "Well, if I'm not, it's your fault!

I think it's less hero worship and more a desperate need to be reassured out of guilt—-that, after the Time War and everything, the Doctor isn't a bad person.
My 2 cents.

Yes, yes it is.
*tragic sigh*

They've gone back to the "wide eyed naif" well. And after making some fair attempts NOT to in the previous season. For pity sakes Sara Jane Smith was ( I suspect ) cast from the same template but didn't fall apart like this. And I've just stumbled on why Clara is off putting sometimes: she sounds like a teenager.

I had no problem with Donna leaving the show. But why couldn't she have left with a plot established reason—reconnecting with her "husband" from the library? I thought it was yet another reason for the Doctor to be tragically sad. Doesn't he have enough of those? So that was an opportunity missed imo.

Skimming Wikipeida it appears you're correct. I think I was confusing constancy in plot for plot arcs in my recollection. Moffat's jumping around making things more complicated than they need to be for the story he wants to tell. RTD kept the ship steady. I'm not happy with his all his choices(Donna leaving),

I forgot that about Leela.

PoA was tightly plotted, considering it wasn't sci-fi. The biggest weakness was the idea anyone would give a teenage witch the power to alter time, no matter how responsible she was. "Oops, i was just trying to finish my homework and I accidentally changed our mathematics from base 10 to base 20. My bad!"

A friend who just finished watching actually suggested this. You might have something there.

Thanks for joining the discussion! We've missed you!