
Jamie was awesome. That is all.

One thing they could try for freshness: remember the days the Doctor would sometimes have to run away? Happened a lot with 1st and (I think) 2nd Doctor. Just because you're a Timelord with a magic time travelling box and good dress sense, doesn't mean you're always prepared to stay and fight or figure out

I think they got arc shy after 6, which frankly was a disappointment, IMO. There were rumors of funding getting cut and needing to rework it, but I never read anything conclusive.
I guess if they can't afford to do an arc properly, they shouldn't bother, but I like arcs, so yeah, conflicted here.

I like the sunglasses too, but I know what you mean. It got over used, but it's classic.

>Was just referencing it.

We've had alien companions before: Adric (yeh, yeh, stop whining you lot), Nyssa, Leela and Romana. There's no reason they can't do this again.

And a 1 hour segment of a multi-parter has a different feel from a half hour segment of a multi parter.

Didn't assume you did. Was just referencing it.

>I haven't been in a Sleepy Hollow thread in over a year, so you're mistaking me for someone else.

Tenant and Tate are awesome. Well, right up until her character was put on a bus. Hey, I didn't say I thought RTD walked on water or anything!

I'll agree with the first bit. Not so sure about the second. If Moffat is looking to fans for direction, he's doing it wrong. We discussed this subject on the Sleepy Hollow thread. YMMV

You've got something there.

I could be misremembering what exactly made RTD's series work for me, but I know exactly what's making Moffat NOT work for me! ;)

I agree. And it ruins a sense of momentum.

I'm inclined to think this is down to writing, but I fear you are correct. Not that it can't be done. But I suspect the show-runners are worried about losing publicity, so they let it happen.

Fair enough.

I maintain Moffat is a great writer but a terrible producer. RTD, for all his flaws(and I'm not happy with everything he does) knows how to plot an arc. Moffat's arc too often veer into this:

"I'd say the issue isn't so much that threatening to kill the Doctor as
it is playing the "he's facing his final, irreversible, for-realsies
end" card quite so often as it has been."

It would have worked a lot better for me if Clara, after her initial "Oh noes!" moment, had followed up with, "Wait, he's got a plan. He's always got a plan. I just have to figure out what it is". Or something along those lines.

Speaking of the Rani, I want her back. And Romana.