
"Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy. I'd much
rather be happy than right any day."

Capaldi was great. But personally, I hope this isn't going to be a permanent change to the theme.
Then I've never gotten over the 8th being cut. *grrr*

Quality is what counts.

I agreed with the melodramatic death bs could have been toned down. Lots of screentime wasted on "Doctor please don't leave me" which had zero urgency/suspense.

Frankly it took too long for someone so deaf she needs an interpreter. She should have felt a heavy axe being dragged across a metal floor. Hell, most people could have felt that.

Okay, where's Ep 4? I've seen it and I'm usually dead last around these parts….

The fact they never defined her outside of being Cranes wife and a Goth wardrobe made that easy, true.

To be fair, historically women who led the outlaw life and who were not kept women did run around in skintight pants—they'e called riding breeches. Anyone riding wore them. But yeh, the corset is a fair cop, they usually wore a shirt, like the men,

I've been overthinking this(heh) and I fear the writers are tone deaf to class. Notice all these pale faced females are sorta bland?
Katrina as presented was either middleclass or upperclass, and that would inform her character, especially in regards to the Conflict in the Late Colonies. Either she's rich, well

No. Please no.

I could watch Mison as Crane read and commentate on modern life all day long.

I think a show is in trouble when the writers start to taking cues from "what viewers want". That's like a parent judging what's best based on what a kid wants( Candy for breakfast and bedtime at 1am! Yay!).

Wasn't it last season that Jenny—this globe trotting Indiana Jones chick—was basically benched during way too many battles scenes? That was annoying. More Jenny!

That's a good way of putting it.

Sometimes it can work—when what we think of as modern is really historical or timeless. But obviously that's not the case here.

Hell, I was worried he wasn't going to live through this episode.

Good points. The director should have set Reed straight. Winter's never bothered me. She comes from a certain class in a time her mannerisms would be considered in a range of normal. What did bother me was, for a badass witch, she had almost zero agency. At least until the writers decided she was EVIL. :roll:

Yeh, I'm waiting to see if they ever did anything about their alleged chemistry. That's the bit that will be hard to sell. He really was devoted to Katrina.

But can we really blame it on acting vs the writing? Neither as a character is given much to work with. I suppose in that way, they're in the same boat.

Crane was so jealous, just platonicly so. You know, like little kids who are afraid someone is going to steal their special friend. And his self awareness of just how silly he was being was adorable.
Of course Mison is always adorable whatever he's doing. =^-^=