
I think the relationship is working narratively, much like Diggs. There are only problems when the writers start defining characters(usually female characters) BY the relationship. This was good—the question is can they keep it up?

It didn't come off as something he knew for sure, but more like this vague clue even he's not sure is 100% relevant. But generally yeah, secrets are so over.

I know what you mean. One solid, non melodramic episode won't be enough. They have to prove to me it's a trend I can trust. There should be a support group.

Okay, not bad so far. Wow, good pacing, people aren't doing outlandishly stupid things… this is Arrow, right?

Gah—review's up already? I'm still downloading…
*hides eyes to avoid spoilers*

I was the odd ball there—I always had faith in Agents of Shield. Frankly I'll give anything Whedon is involved with a chance.

You are a wiser man than the rest of us.

There are so many things going sideways in that comment I wouldn't bother. Fitz is "beta-male"? That's some MRA horseshit. Fitz is awesome.

God damn it. So that's why he wasn't there. The 9th Doctor is my favourite of NuWho. *fume*

While you make good points, avoid watching "Arrow". If this is your reaction to the "Flash" plot , "Arrow" will make your head explode.

I think she's good if she's given good material. As much as we bitch about FTWD, the same thing applies. The general problem in Arrow, imho, is conflict doesn't flow from conflicting character motives, but from hackneyed tropes like keeping secrets to "protect" people. A character sliding into an emotional monotone

Aren't we all. 12 hours to go…

> But for me the idea that Joker/Batman are somehow mystically symbiotic is stupid.

Something like that had crossed my mind too. We have Simmons already here so we don't waste narrative time trying to catchup a person with PTSD while the clock is ticking.

Good point.

Crossover time!

God yes. I live like a vampire sometimes.
Another one that will age the skin fast is heavy smoking with drinking. I knew this lad 10 years younger who was ageing so fast do to partying I would not be surprised he looks my chronological age now, while I don't.
It's a bit of karma because he really took his youth

"Mr ?"

We're very hard to please. =^-^=