
We'll get right on that.

Re Simmons and planet:
Expect flashbacks.

Lol, PTSD from fringe is just the worst.

A bit like Fred on Pylea, but, yeh, I think the melodrama has been done. In fact this should be a chance for them to re-bond as friends.

Yeah, I had a similar thought about how relatively easy it was resolved…then I realized I didn't care. Yay Team Fitz! =^-^=


I think Joss learned his lesson with Tara, so I would be surprised if that happened again in a property he was managing.

I wouldn't say she was getting as bad as Laurel, but there was something off putting about her last season that seems to be gone now. I'm pleasantly surprised.

To the plane!

Someone else who noticed the Rory thing. I salute you.

That was some awkward dialog.

I'm a little disappointed they don't have a find Ronnie plan. We haven't seen the body and we all know what that means. Then it sounds like the actor is moving on.

That would be nice, but if that was true wouldn't Eddie be alive too?

He doesn't have to be in every sode. In fact, he wasn't last season. He would just be Barry's roomie, adding some minor drama. I think it's an opportunity for character development the writers are missing.

Timey wimey.

This is my general attitude unless it's something that really annoys me..like Rory being erased from history. But he got better…

Timey wimey arguments are the best!

LOL at Batman v Superman. I could never take that concept seriously, even in the comics. Maybe they'll surprise me and make it look plausible.

Meh, I'll let them have that. Disabled people in dysfunctional cultures are often mocked like that, and get cruel nicknames. What I have a hard time believing is that Cobblepot is going to embrace it.

I made a comment on the same subject upthread. There are serious continuity problems, that only exacerbate the ones Gotham started by having Bruce and Selina so young. They should have started this season with a time jump, but that is the least of Gotham's problems.