
I did not know that.
(Hey, I was mainly a Batman, WW, Spiderman reader. Sue me.)

You guys are terrible.

Yeah, I was thinking, oh for pity sakes, sounds more like the writers don't want to be bothered. Henry could share a flat without in anyway interfering with The Flash.

Don't bring science into it.

I miss Grodd. They should keep him as a pet.

Well, he was presenting an otherwise uncontrollable threat. What would you suggest? Barry did try talking to him—see how that worked out.

Yes, my only disappointment with having the Flash back is knowing the Arrow will be back too and I will watch it dreading it hasn't improved. At least we have Flash. =^-^=

It is a sign of very good writing when your audience can see it coming, and still find it entertaining.

I did think they were being a bit cavalier about the security of the plant. But I guess if anything horrible went wrong, Barry could move fast enough to stop a meltdown or whatever.

Ah, how I have missed real storytelling, solid writing and believable characters. The best cure to my Fear the Walking Dead disapointment.

Re: The Gate and Closing thereof:

b) for now—hope springs eternal—, but I could easily slide into c) or e)

>as evidenced by every civilisation ever.

Tell us how you feel…don't hold back!

Or ……. Barbara was in the scene and they've done so many stupid things with her this is just the last stupid thing. Seriously, at this rate if Gordon ever does have a daughter, the last thing he'll be naming her is "Barbara".

I have no idea what you're even talking about…

I think the word he was looking for was "predictable". An addict's world centres around one thing and that makes them predicable to also a mechanical degree of precision. Whether that's actually an asset is another story.

Yep, still not buying it. Unless those people were already mentally imbalanced. They're playing this as like an infection.
Why am I looking for logic in Gotham? This is the same show that has turned Barbara into a villain for the Evulz. I wonder what happened to her art gallery?

Catnip? Where? What were we talking about?

I collected the mid '80s reboot of WW. Then a period of unemployment interrupted my comic collecting, reducing me to one of those people who lurks in the graphic novel stacks. Now everything's available online, but I can't be bothered. Glad to hear Diana is still keeping it together.