
We cat's have our pride. =^-^=

There are not words to express my contempt with the Nu52. I thought the "Spiderman One More Day" fiasco was the worst…boy was I wrong.

Some of us don't get teasers. I guess that's our punishment for, um, acquiring things with light fingers.

There you go being picky. Two can play—I don't recall Zelena's cleavage being that deep.
*googles images*
Oh, okay, you're right. I'm going back to being a villain, er ANTI HERO, in the Gotham thread.

Disqus likes to make us jump about in the thread, guaranteeing wacky misunderstandings abound!

It's not like cats aren't bizarre. ;)
I was going to chose "Catwoman", but I thought, no way, that was taken years ago, so I just made sure the name was catlike and swiped the art from the usual suspects.

Not a villain! Stylish anti-hero dammit!

At one time it was "edgy" but at this point it looks gratuitous and it bores me. Especially with Barbara involved.

Villains are easy. I prefer stylish anti-heroes.

That has sorta been the case, although I thought Season 1 was okay. But 3…oh.my.god…

I never get to these riddle things in time. Sigh…

I half expected him to rise up from the table, having serious brain damage: oxygen starvation + stab wound = Joker. But no, instead random people go criminally insane from watching him on TV?

Today's forecast: Partially cloudy, with chance of falling bodies in the afternoon.

Ah yes, Flash! But that means Arrow's back too. *sigh*

IKR? "What are you doing!" I yelled pointlessly at the computer screen.

I musta missed that when I was rolling my eyes at something.

Someone pointed out, Elsa didn't need protection from cold obviously. But she still would have wanted something sturdier for other practical reasons.

Yes, it's perfectly fair she should have to work harder after slaughtering people indiscriminatingly who never hurt her. IMO the writers are solid right now. Remember, not too long ago they had her repeatedly backsliding for no good reason. That got old fast—like after the first time.

They lost track of Z…which is never a good thing. Like, hello, where is she right now? This could be a plot point.

It was too bad about the Frozen story. It really was visually jarring. Elsa should have been the first to want a garb change and they could have taken her to a second hand store. Imagine if she'd found something in blue swede with white fur, some 70's reject that everyone else thought was cheesy but she liked?