
I didn't get that. He was explaining it to her in terms she could understand. Unless Camelot has an electronics and software industry I wasn't aware off.

I got that feeling too.

Hmm…so this is what I sounded like in the latest Doctor Who thread. At least I have a good excuse for my grumpiness(recovering back injury).

Yeah, that was a noble gesture and all, but I'm not sure it should have worked.

And black…lots and lots and lots of black.

But it was cute how she automatically defaulted to that style.

"Super Happy Fun Time Sparkle reviews" should be a thing. Just sayin. =^-^=

Yeah I thought the review was quite fair. Though there is plenty to nitpick in this series, right now they're keeping in character and being emotional honestly. I'm so grateful I'll let little things slide—like whether a sword can really overpower a dwarf with a pickaxe.

And you'd basically made our point. The reason we had that takeaway is because this show has been badly written/developed/etc. It's not our responsibility to read the writer's minds, and assume they're implying rational things. Especially when we have direct evidence they outright plot completely batshit irrational

No one is saying there shouldn't be bad, evil, greedy or opportunistic people in the disaster. They're pointing out that we know for a fact during crisis MOST people try to help each other out. Alerting neighbours, "Yo it's going to shit—get out of here" would not have taken any significant time.

*waves from west coast*
Nope, just the writers.

OMG they might do that too. ARGH!

I'd say plot over stuffed . I think his strength is as a writer or stand alone stories. Give him room to do an arc and he can't stop making things more complicated than they need to be.

It was a conceptual, not literal comparison. The point is people can handle it psychologically and plan for it. The real question would be timing and coordinating resources.

Ah, thanks. I don't always read the letters section. Still don't get it. I write and world building is where the fun is. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Weak writing reduces everyone to stereotypes. That's why people like Strand: whatever he is, it's not a stereotype.

I respectfully disagree. Real drama from real disasters is not boring. It would take a long time for things to become stable enough to argue of building codes, and even if that was in the plot, it would be something the characters referred to, not central to their lives:


I almost stopped reading the comic when the Whispers showed up, because I thought Kirkman did exactly that.

So what you're saying is there's hope for FTWD. God I hope you're right.