
We'll let you off with a warning. But don't do it again!

I think what he was trying to say is good people aren't so quick to turn into ruthless killing machines, but he said it badly, very, very badly.

>Kirkman doesn't like world-building,

Don't count on it. We must exercise our Fandom given right to Hate Watch.
Re: TWD; many of us were fans of the comic and continue to hang in in hopes TWD will meet our exceptions and occasionally it does, much more frequently now.
I have similar feelings for FTWD- I watch hoping it will eventually meet expectations.

Also it would be dumb to take the time to rape her there; if they were that determined, they'd kidnap her "for later".

I literally screamed at the computer screen when they stepped out of the car for no good reason, because I knew something annoying was going to happen next.
(clearly I'm watching this on my own)

Thank you. That wasn't clear.

Did she did betray him? I thought she just brought him back and had no idea daddy was going to go a "ve have vays of making you talk" on him.
Do not make me rewatch that episode to check. Please.

I kinda assumed that installation was pre-existing, being re-purposed for the emergency. Still no reason why your idea couldn't have been used. *shugs*

We were left with a strong impression they would exterminate anyone they had to leave behind, sick or otherwise. That was why Cobalt was so horrific. If we're wrong, we're wrong, but that was the takeaway from the torture scene.

That would actually be cool. So of course it isn't going to happen…

The hate watch will never end! HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Maintaining "real world logic" is called suspension of disbelief. And while we the views invite our disbelief to be suspended, it is the writer's job to give us enough helium to keep our imaginations aloft. Let's just say there's a helium shortage. =^.^=

And the most ridiculous and implausible thing about characters closed in a safe zone, if that's they way you're going to play it, is NO media coverage or access. That came off contrived as hell.

I agree, but I also think the writers are being fuzzy about the rules. In the comics IIRC it takes a couple days for the infection to kill you. Plenty of time to decide calmly if there's time.

I give the first half an F- ; second half, or maybe last 10 mins, a C+. So solid D.

Basically my thoughts exactly, though I'm more inclined to see this as the writers shoehorning the characters with this BS, than something they'd do on their own, if for no other reason than even as dumb as they have been portrayed, no one would be stupid enough to go through with this plan:

People don't age like they used to. Its not all surgery. Anyone who exercises regularly and has a reasonably healthy lifestyle(and most actors do whether they like it or not) will look youthful at least through the forties. People regularly assume I'm 10 to 15 years younger that my chronological age. Our idea of

Damn you, sir, for proving the writers occasionally do their research. Leave us to our grumbling in peace!

And they still won't communicate anything of importance: