
That was funny.

For a second I thought it'd be a nice solid classic Doctor story…then cue the dramatic to be continued "Oh noes, the Doctor is dead AGAIN" cliffhanger.
It's really time for Moffat to take a holiday…

Almost anything else would be compelling at this point.

See? See? I told you not to ask!

Clumsy writing. At this point, if Travis is really one of those folks who just can't bring themselves to kill anything, he'd be zombie food.

Just don't ask him about the weather….

We need to show viewers exactly how extreme this extreme situation has extremely dehumanized the military in the extreme.

The short answer is they shouldn't be able to bite through armor. This is a plot point in the comics when they find some riot cop gear and treat it like gold. But as another commenter says, the fighting tactics haven't adapted and they're letting the zombies get too close.

>Meaning there was a full nine days of them trying to preserve society.

OMG that's the FBI wesen goon from Grimm? You're right! She did look vaguely familiar.

Disqus is famous for randomly refreshing a page while you're typing/scrolling/expanding a comment, so I'm not surprised. Sometimes I can't find my own comments until someone relies. *sigh*

IKR? Quality torturing is so hard to find these days!


*double sigh and facepalm*

That bit didn't bother me as much as it did some people. The complaint is they haven't done enough of the others things that convince us "OMG the world is collapsing right now, fukk, fukk, fukk". The first couple of eps were building to that…then it went off the rails.

And that makes sense…right up to the "I'm tied to a chair and could be crippled/blinded for life". In a world with rabidly diminishing health care options.

A lot of so called dystopias have this problem.
Sheltered financially secure author comes up with shocking horrible idea that turns into a vehicle to explore the authors ideas about how he/she thinks people will react and/or their own emotional conflicts. So you get things like the High Rise (by JG Ballard) where

Don't be absurd. You'd also need a couple of banana peels.

Hell, even the amateur survivors on the flagship show have this down. Rick is trained, but it's common sense and lots of war movies. For me it wasn't that they were over run(that can happen). It's how fast it happened:

I don't think she was a monster, she just stood by her man, er, monster. Who, for the record, was only a monster out of necessity. But yes, it was quite a compelling scene.