
She became a neolitionist to get opposable thumbs to work a firearm. It fits!

IKR? Too often the writers think it's boring to have have our highly competent and experienced heroes succeed without a major setback EVERY time. At some point they really should know what they're doing enough that success will not be an epic battle. Clever writers then start to minimize this by having easy wins

I think you mean a handful of eps per series. Being Human was four seasons, for example, but 6 to 8 eps per season.

Delphine never became evil, but boy did they make me wonder. The problem with Del is we were never given a moral compass outside of "I love Cosima". Once the relationship was over, we had no idea what would happen. We don't know about Del previous relationships. For all we knew, she'd go psycho ex on everyone. Not

"Granted a small hitch is Helena was raised to believe her victims had no souls. The Castors knew their victims were people."

I agree with the effective simplification, as I stated in another comment. It's a relief of sorts.


I agree with your sentiment, though I felt it was oddly simplifying things. We never liked those poncy Neowhat's it. The whole working from within Leda was way too much like the Angel crew working at Wolfram and Hart. Of course it's not going to end well. Of course someone inside has a counter agenda. Now all

Among other things.

White here equals bland, middle class, suburban.
Allison would never call herself European, because that means 'foreigners'. :D

A gut shot, without ASAP medical attention = quick painful death. Even with modern medicine it can be touch and go.
But this is science fantasy telly. We didn't see her body, so maybe she'll make it. We'll find out next series.

I have to keep reminding myself we will never have an interview where all the clone actors are sitting down shooting the breeze about the shoot. (not counting a Castor character and Leda character interview).
It's the strangest thing to kind disappointing about a show.

I hope it's not Shay, but that's what I wondered too. I just got over feeling bad about suspecting Shay, sigh….

I'm more impressed with Mark's moral compass now than I was then. He's the proof why trying to control people deceptively isn't reliable. Yeah, many people will go along with the herd, at least for a while, but self knowledge and empathy can lead to—gasp—independent thought. You can't exploit social animal bias for

Yeh, I was a bit worried because NeoGuy is a heavy and was hoping Mrs. S had a gun. But Delphine's way worked and had the bonus of getting them an ally, however dubious.

I think Ferdy is less an ally and more of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" lad. In other words take advantage of his alliance, but don't trust him.

Hmm, what could possibly give you that idea?

Yeh, I was expecting that to be a long battle, but I was kinda glad it ended fast. After being reunited with Jesse, by common story telling tropes, Helena was in serious danger of getting killed. I was nervous for a bit.

That was more chilling because we know Felix is a light-hearted, sunny soul, but fuck with family and all bets are off.
It would have been nice to see the aftermath of that: I doubt Felix has ever needed to go that far before. He probably shocked himself.