
It was sad, even at the end, Rudy was still brainwashed by that "greater good" BS. Hey do we know if Shitmother bought it or not?

Art kinda like Mrs. S: a character that's bad ass in a calm, level headed sort of way. But unlike Mrs.S, Art is new to the Masquerade. We really need more of him to highlight just how crazy-crazy their lives have become.

Baby Ox and Jesse: what more could Helena want?

Cold, very cold. The least he could do is kill him before giving him an acid bath.

JESSE'S BACK!!!!! <3

Now Baby Ox Safe. Refund and mangoes all around!

It's unlikely to fully register until Helena is in a place she feels safe enough to let herself reflect, much like real life survivors of trauma. Right now she's in a semi regular, hyper alert fight/flight state.

She's one of those more misogynistic than thou queen bees that keep your religious cult/commune/compound running. If you're not useful supporting the dysfunctional power structure which she benefits from, you are useless/damned/disposable.
Hey, put Bonnie and Shitmother in the same pen and watch them duke it out.

What is this Canada of which you speak? Every one knows the North American continent goes from Mexico, the States, Large Empty Area On the Map, then ends in Alaska.

I agree the video/fx people are doing a bang up job. But I disagree Maslany isn't doing a bang up job too. If her material wasn't rock solid, no amount of post production would fix it.

You know how good this woman is when you're thinking something like, "Gee, it would be nice to see an interview with both the actresses who play Allison and Helena"…because you forgot they were the same person.

And you call yourself a fan? ;)

"Semi Spoiler that might not be true anyway…

Thank you! I was wondering too.

Exactly my thoughts re: Dexter.

This is a good question. Early on I think the idea was find out more, and see if we can shut down, send these people packing and go back to their lives.
Now it's clear corruption at some level is preventing authorities from intervening, the press might be all they have. Or a foreign government. The good news is they

Disappointing, but expected. Paul gave them a head start by showing them the grenade. At least the lab and samples were destroyed.

Helena has boyfriend. He is Jesse. But we not see him awhile. You are right. We need Jesse back.

Sailed and circumnavigated the globe a couple of times.

Ah, relief. I lost track of the setting. I thought they were all in the same room/area.