
Is that posh, beeb, cockney or scouse?

*deranged Orphan Black fan bellows on Avclub*

I second the chopping gang, especially if what Brooke Chook says turns out to be true.

And that wouldn't even work, unless he's already damaged/on the psychopath spectrum. (I guess people who've watched the show confirm this is the case?) A normal person would stop long before the cat died and then kick themselves for being a dumbass.

It's all good. And thanks.
If I think of anyting to add, look for it there. ;)

Don't feel too bad about Nealon…I had to go to the OB wiki to remember who he was.

The only way Krystal has a possibility of not being too jaded is if she keeps her eye. And every other part of her body. Right now that looks like 50/50. Betting pool?

Okay, now you made me want Helen Mirren as a guest star. Thanks, cause we know that's likely…

It is a great idea…in theory. Helena does need help. But I agree it's unrealistic that she's going to get regular structured therapy for the reasons you mentioned, plus the whole hiding from the secret organization out to kill/kidnap/torture them thing.

That what a friend of mine was saying. It'll take them longer, and some bits will be guess work, but it's better than nothing.

RIP your kitty. ;(

No, no it did not(end well).

Helena: Wax on, wax off.
Donnie: Wax, what?
Helena: Never mind. Just cut with knife. We go for mangoes later.

I'm not sure what you're referring to right now, but this subthread degenerated when someone moved from expressing fair disagreement ( with what I thought were good insights) into bitchy trolling.
It's too bad, because I suspect the difference was between someone who had watched a series as it aired vs. someone who

Yes, training montage, complete with 80's pop music. XD

Yay, the mods are awake! New spam bot people, prepare to flag.

Yeah, finally saw that. Yay!

I didn't remember Nealon clearly so this came off as a bit of 'deus ex machina' on first viewing. Orphan Black wiki sorted me out:

I hope you're right, but with these people you never know. And to think I was not exactly feeling sorry for Rachel, but was moving to "Okay, she got what she deserved and can't hurt anyone now, let's move on."