
Wouldn't that be more appropriate in a Supernatural or Grimm thread? Alas, our haxor/spammer has no respect for narrative conventions.

Hacked email accounts or disqus accounts?

And some non spammy comments are getting caught in the filters.

I was also relieved to see the cat alive, but I'm prejudiced that way.

Don't waste your rage. It's a bot.

I flag this shit all the time. As far as I can tell they never delete it.

IKR? I'm all on the let Krystal live in innocent bliss bandwagon.

If MY cat had been picked up by Castor boy and held like that, he'd have ANOTHER scar down the other side of his face.
(17 lbs of pure muscle—I had to wrap him in a towel and a blanket to give him any kind of meds. )

"It's like they don't know how to build drama any other way."
Exactly my thought.

Zombie Transformers?

Wasting millions of dollars seems to be what they're good at lately. But, hey, the artists can entertain themselves by having characters sit, stand, fly, fall out of the "O" in amusing ways.

Another thing to remember is the Eagles were servants/helpers of the Valar Manuwe(sp?), the Middleearth equivalent of the ruler of Olympus. (Tolkien had this mix of pagan/monotheistic inspired mythology)
So the Eagles might be considered semi divine and therefore it would be very presumtious to assume they could be

Just wear a tux.

DC Eww?

Up voting your screen name. It made me smile. :D

Ah, the Moffat classic duo "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances". Then Moffat was given the reigns to the show and his writing got very… uneven.

My bad. Disqus thread failure.

That actually could make sense, if they go with killing Eddie for realz.

I don't know if the Doctor would save everyone. But he would close the wormhole, shut down Starr Labs and give everyone a very stern lecture about mucking about with Time.

The fun in Flash is what makes it automatically superior to Arrow. The writers need to give Oliver a sense of humor. Even Angel, a student of the brooding hero school, knew how to throw a deadly quip: "Can you fly?"