
Did you Say "the New 52"?
*hisses —makes sign of cross*

A fair observation. But I trust the writers to keep us entertained.
Unlike another related show.
That begins with an "A".

I wasn't expecting it, but I was thinking of it to myself before Victor gave his pep talk. It would be a the quickest was to get rid of Wells. One continuity problems remains though: if Wells(actually Eobard) never existed, how does everyone, apart from Cisco, remember him?

Why would I torture myself so? And I say that as Batman fan.

As long as he doesn't post spoilers.

Detective Pretty Boy was over due for that pep talk . Seriously, Eddie, just because the guy comes from the future and can prove his story doesn't mean he isn't going to LIE to promote his agenda.

IKR? Isn't it interesting what we'll forgive with solid consistent characterization? ARROW WRITERS ARE YOU LISTENING?

Victor was so cute. I love how his character has both mellowed and grown.

What I have to say to non HHG fans : Belgium!

It shows what a hard core old school nerd Cisco is. Old school nerds approve.

Goddamn Cliffhangers! *Shakes fist at writers*

I worried/wondered if something like this would affect Rowling's books after the films came out, but I don't think they ever did. At least not in a negative way. I suspect some later plot dirrections might have been influenced by critisms, but nothing I can put my finger on(maybe the Timeturner issue? We're pretty

BJR is Frank's ancestor, not Claire's. Frank's the one at risk of vanishing. And, I suppose, Claire's memories of him.

Jamie McCrimmon was the best. Had no idea

As another commenter noted, it came off as contrived. He should have come back when the alarm was raised. Alternately the scene would have worked if Jack taunting Jamie had happened an hour or two earlier, making his surprise return more plausible.

The problem with killing Captain Asshole is we/Claire don't know if he's already begat a kid that will lead to descendant Frank. Conceptually I like this quirk: we can't kill the villain yet because it might mess with the space-time continuum. OTOH part of me is thinking "Screw the Space Time Continuum". Maybe the

Downsizing, overwork and the pressure to produce can't be discounted. There was a time "editor" meant proofreading, etc. No major publishing house does this any more. There are no batteries of interns read manuscripts for continuity errors. If you're a writer who has terrible spelling, you MUST rely on a

15-20 seconds really does count in a rescue situation. That is a LONG time when you have no time to waste. Of course we know from the plot she was doomed, but the character didn't know that. It breaks the sense of urgency that is inherent in all rescue attempts where the bad guy could come back any second.

I did some Googling earlier. It does seem like her fans were justifiably annoyed with how the series ended. From an Amazon review this blew me away: "She frequently admits she doesn't bother to go back reread her own work."
I'm a writer and I can't conceive of doing quality work without checking continuity. This

I assume it was done more plausibly in the book, but yeah, you'd think Jack was going away for at least as long as it took to have a meal and let his prisoner stew. Until the alarm sounded of course.