
Whoa. Didn't hear about that.

I find authors who over use rape as a plot device have a blind spot. They're unconsciously drawn to explore power/violence dynamics, which is fine. But with a little more awareness, they'd be able to avoid over doing it. It has a place in the realism of the time period, especially when you're talking about red coat

Don't forget the Bosnian orphans. They had the same problems even though they weren't trained to kill.

It would be a nice change. Given they're an English speaking operation, it limits which countries can be involved: US, UK, South Africa, Australia, Canada. Given everyone in the command structure sounds Yankee/North American, that indicates Us or Canada. Canada would be a nice change of pace. Oh, and I watched

Thanks for the insight. That speaks better of the author. I don't know why they do this in adaptations. Making drama from people doing stupid things isn't compelling, it's frustrating. I don't know if you follow Walking Dead but they completely destroyed Andrea's character. In the comics she's a no nonsense

I was more referring to the people in charge of Castor, but yeah, Mark seems to have kept his autonomy as a person. Arrogant people never seem to learn: no matter how much you try to brainwash people from birth, there are always those with a strong sense of self who resist. This isn't science fiction. You just

Um, you know that was humour, right?

That's all Paul was, right? Now it looks like the writers are trying to shift gears, begging the question: if Paul has a high rank, how does he NOT know about all the slimy shit? Is he the Ronald Regan of the Castor Program? He was taking a nap when they were discussing being a clandestine human

I forgot: it was awesome when Claire "cursed" Jack. For someone who likes mind games, that will eat him until the day he dies. We might even have a closed Time loop there. I can't remember if we know what Jack died of. Complications from madness? *crosses fingers*

Ah, I was going to say it was in the source material…
Captain Jack has lost his charm as a villain. he was interesting the first time he tried to rape Claire, and later when he was playing nice at the meal with the officers, but now he's Boring Evil to me. Claire made a couple of misteps too. I haven't actually

She was working on the manacles, but before she paused for a "poor Jamie" moment. She can say "poor Jamie " while working on the manacles. Mulitask woman! This sort of thing really takes me out of the action.

Nice. I don't watch Supernatual. I was tempted ,then I read someone say the concept was a Hellblazer rip-off. I don't know how true that is, but it's made me resistant ever since. I'm a long time Constantine fan; I only wish the show was as successful as the comic book.

It's not. That was speculation during viewing before the show ended, trying to make sense of how Juliette got there.

God, I hate Black Jack. I don't even "love to hate" him. He's just another scenery chewing narcissist with delusions of grandeur. It's not a criticism of the show. The actor does this too well. He's too much like the real thing for me to find him entertaining any more.

I worry about Mark. For someone who was on a convert mission his lying needs work. He came up with a great lie to cover destroying the tattoo..then follows it with outing Gracie as his honey. *Facepalm*

Plotwise it maybe meh, but we can't really judge that until near the end. As long as the characters are written well, I'll give them slack. Don't count your clones until the season ends!

Disagree about Allison. Allison isn't just for humor. She shows how the clone temperament and almost meta human senses are channeled through the least sympathetic genre show persona: conservative soccer mom. Yes it makes comedy, but it's also pure brilliance. Where as Sara wants to punch and shoot things, and Cosima

If nothing else, Helena is crazy, almost psychically, intuitive.

Shitmother's capacity to delude herself into believing she's a good person doing good things is truly amazing. As much as I'd like her dead, having her on trial explaining these human right's violations and the subsequent crucifixion in the press would be at least as satisfying.

I already have a low opinion of Internet based dating. But when your life is like a political thriller and you know they're out to get you? That was just dumb on everyone's part: Cosima and Felix know better. I blame the writers.