
These problems are because of casting. There are plenty of heavy muscular women, they're just under represented in Hollywood. If you even come close to a believable female powerhouse(Vasquez, Xena, Million Dollar Baby, etc), there's loud minority backlash of "Eww, it's a Lesbian or tranny". Hollywood, and sadly

You must not know many police officers. They have hand to hand training and many of them have martial arts/military backgrounds. Make no mistake, I love Agent Carter. But a "Howling Commando" is NOT doing to play around with larger or multiple opponents. You criple or kill. That's HOW a Howling Commando fights.

I hesitate to call Adalind redeemed, that's a high bar, but she was on her way to being a pragmatic trusted ally.
I never understood why Adalind couldn't have just gone with the resistance in the first place. No kidnapping required.

None of the Royals powers/influence has been explained. Individually they don't all express powers, but as a group they must have access or control of something the Wesen respect/fear.
I suspect we are in Chris Charter territory, ie, the writers have yet to figure it all out and they're making it up as they go.

Maybe Hexenbiests can fly?
But seriously, I wondered about that. It really lead us to think maybe, just maybe, Julliette was really working with the resistance and it was all a double -triple bluff and Kelly's death was an accident. Or at least Julliette switched sides not liking the royals methods.

This begging the question why Diana didn't waste the assassins that did Kelly in. That still bothers me.

I think it's very unlikely Adalind would voluntarily neuter her powers permanently(this is the woman who went though gross rituals to get them back). She was always power hungry and coniving. As much as I dislike her, I respect that aspect of her character. The Adalind I know does not want to live dependent on

I agree with everything expect Adalind ending up dead. I hope the tough love of a tough man(Meisner) will straighten her out. Then they can move to Germany or where ever and good riddance.

The great thing about Who is you can start just about anywhere with the old classic show. Nu Who, the 2005 reboot, has higher production values and I'd treat like any other newer series, in this case it's going into it's ninth series/season this year.
If you have no attachment to the old show, I'd go ahead and start

I dunno. I seem to remember them being unsure how long it would last. I'd have to check.

I suppose it was possible they planned to kidnap her for …reasons. But come on, Juliette. Team Royal just got through slaughtering the defenceless neighbours. Highly unlikely they'll let a deadly Grimm live.

Maybe. In which case she should tell Nick ASAP. No more fracking secrets.

I mean WTF? How does Sean possessed by Jack sneak up on her? It was obvious she was suspicious that some sort of possession was happening. And apart from possessing Sean, Jack didn't have any "powers" that I recall. So I still don't get it. *sighs heavily*

I'm the sort of freak who read Hamlet outside of school for fun. But as much as I like the Bard, I can't "Bard". If you like the Dr. Who cast and Shakespeare this is a bit of fun—a bit of sonnet towards the end:

Thanks. It seems my source is not taking advantage of this and I'll have to wait…too long. I do have a general idea of what unpleasantless is in store, but no spoilers please!

Now that's a very good theory. Pity Henerietta isn't around to weigh in.

As long as you're at peace with it, that's what counts.

There you go with tactics.

1. Agent Carter and Wi probably have similar training. Granted hers is more specialized in a time of war. But she's often going to to toe with people taller and/or heavier that her. She's solid, but you do not play around when you're outweighed. You break things and bring the fight to an end(they do it perfectly

Proving Juliette was a reasonable soul of restraint. If it was me, they'd all have been dead before the first time was finished.