
I suppose we will have to disagree. IMO it was too rushed to be certain. OTOH there is a point that it doesn't matter if there are regrets. So much damage is done there's no trust left and the threat has to be shut down.

All good points. Mine is it wasn't inevitable because of the Hexenbeistness. That was Juliette and/or the writers going for the evulz.

Hmmm…. so you really are Evil, aren't you?

And yet bad. *sobs*

Okay how could you have watched Outlander already? Are you talking about last weeks episode?

1. Probably Wesen FBI agent Chavez.
2. A perfectly normal thing for a well adjusted Grimm/Hexenbiest Golden Child.
3. I wish it were so.

Umm, I don't think that's permanent.

Most of the horror Adalind has been through was either of her own making or really really bad writing. Like her running off to the royals because Victor tells her he has the kid. Really? She ran into the lions den wide eyed and trusting, without anything resembling a plan or leverage? I never bought it.

Select responses:

Nick's scream of NO…well, Giuntoli sold it. I hurt for him so bad. Also Kelly was awesome and will be missed.

I was kinda hoping for a hail mary: maybe Kelly wasn't dead, after all it was just a head—and Julliete had put a glamour on it to fool the Verat, and Trubel was working with Kelly as a decoy to flush the Verat out….or something. I'm disapointed it was Chavez Hadn't we established the plan was FUCK Chavez? After

I missed Herr Meisner and he's the perfect match to Adalind. Nick and Adalind would just be wrong; Rosalee nailed it. So they have to co parent remotely. Join the rest of the modern world. Meisner is the perfect person to tell Adalind to get off her duff and stop playing damsel in distress. Is she a Hexenbiest or

It's like a non-lineal fractal soap opera…As The Mobius Strip Turns.

The problem I have with this scenario is it's been shown being a Hexenbeist does not automatically equal being "evil". I think Juliette was just angry and her sudden powers made it hard to keep her emotions in persepctive. Like Dark Willow…I know you'll get the reference. ;)

I totally agree about Juliette: her character was all over the place(someone cribbing Arrow script notes for Ra's?). It seemed like once she as a Hexienbeist, her character was railroaded into being bad for the EVULZ. Never mind we had at least two examples of Hexiens who were responsible members of society as it

It's not clear. A couple I'm sure. That's what was really harsh about Julliette's betrayal: these people were innocent bystanders.

Well, the Juliette arc is over. Thus ends the 4 years failure to give her character any focus, meaning or growth. As a fan of Juliette(you know there had to be one) RIP. You deserved better.

They were slightly better in Grimm, they at least discussed it(re Wu). It would have been better with the Wrath of Wu which never happened: "You mean you assholes let me think I was going nuts for MONTHS?"
*primal scream*

Well said, Evil Lincoln.

I assumed the thorn protecting the flower would involve actually being around to protect it. But yeah, it could mean protection by sacrifice.