
I'm still stuck at how their plan to find the vectors basically amounted to stumbling around the city and hoping for the best. By all rights everyone not inoculated should be dead since no one in charge was smart enough to call for an evacuation.

They ALL have this problem. Yes, lying is bad in normal relationships that don't involve super heroes and saving the world from byzantine villainous plots. Can any of these people notice they are not living normal lives and cut each other a little slack without the "Oh you BETRAYED me how can I EVER trust you again"

It would be better storytelling if Barry had just explained why this was more important—he is literally trying to stop someone from screwing with Time. As bad as a bio weapon is, the threat of a malicious Time Traveler is greater.

Deux Machina all over the place. This is the way they generate drama too, not with characters conflicted over different values and goals, but by keeping stupid secrets and having the emotional reactions of immature twelve year olds. (apologies to all twelve year olds).

Yet another plot point that was ultimately pointless.

It wouldn't have been so bad if they if Lauren filled her shoes sooner. But for some reason Lauren in S1 with basic self defence training was a better fighter than Lauren as the new Canary after boxing lessons.

He was becoming gradually dumb all season for no discernible reason. And no one noticed. His actions can only be explained by a mix of bipolar and split personality disorders, Ugh.

It's all good, The show's writers clearly have fever brain too so you're in good company.

The ATOM suit is indeed magical. Who knew it was one size fits all?

Every thing goes better on this show with Flash.

This annoys me too. I'm going to guess the writters are setting up something where they have a male Ras for a future Batman plot. But that could be giving them far too much credit.

We can talk about the Sara murder nonsense for at least as long as we had to painfully watch Lauren "protect" dear ol dad.
If there is one thing this show needs to stop doing yesterday it's having characters keep ridiculous secrets for ridiculous reasons.

Never was their a more ungrateful group of whiners rescued from certain death. You'd think they'd prefer Oliver was REALLY brainwashed into betraying them.
And did Ras really explain his evil plan? *bangs head on desk*

I know what you mean. There's an actor that makes the show a joy to watch. His expressions and enunciation…okay, time to activate Operation Save Dr. Wells.

I like the way your brain works, young man. Timey—wimey stuff for the win!

"I mean, granted, time travel isn't exactly something we (publicly???) have many real-life examples to go by,"

Yes, that was a great part of dialogue I actual cheered. As someone below pointed out, if these are Terminator Time Travel rules, Iris is right, even if Wells is being truthful to the best of his knowledge.

I know, right? Arrow has a convoluted drama as it is. Do NOT expect the viewers to just "go with it".

Ras is a joke.
"Hi, I'm Ra's the leader of the secret assassins guild…expect for the secret part. Anyway, you must die…because of honor or something. Honor is very important for a professional murderer like myself.

OMG,lol. Arrow is a guilty pleasure, but you are not wrong about the show's quality—or lack thereof—this year. If only the writers could drop the after school special teenager drama….